Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Letter About My Son's Breakdown Prior To Fact Finding Hearing Today


In your "plea letter" to me, you wrote at the end, that I deserved to have a "breakdown". Then you went on to say it's amazing I didn't have MORE "breakdowns". It is YOUR fucking idiotic opinion that I had a "breakdown" and you still ASSUME what I said was happening to me and my son was NOT happening.

I have the right to prove these things WERE happening and that there was NO "breakdown". I yelled and wrote nasty emails because no one was listening to me when I was trying to get people to believe me. The only one who did was Andy Panda, who knows what was going on with my computers and electronics wasn't normal.

Then you claim at the end of your letter, that there are people who can "help" me. Funny how you seem to think those people are all in WENATCHEE. Where half the crappy things happened. If you claim to care about my getting help, your department would be happy to know I'm actually able to GET better help over here, and you would be supportive.

Your suspicions and assumptions are still unfounded. You have no way of proving what I said was happening, was NOT happening. My son's speech is still delayed and I quit having periods and had other documentation of damages. I have the right to get proof of these things.

What happens if I'm RIGHT Marie?

What would you do if it came back, verified, that I tested positive for exposure to high electromagnetic fields or radiation? It can be done. If it's TRUE, then what happens to your theory it was a "breakdown"? Your theory goes out the window and it is established I WAS in my right mind, and that my actions were NORMAL given the fact no one was doing anything about what was happening.

I do have people who believe I and my son were in danger, and that I pissed off some higher end people. I made reports about people in the CAtholic church and the FBI, and they are verified claims. One of the FBI agents I dated briefly told me he infiltrated the Mexican mafia. It was proven, by FBI field offices, that he really WAS FBI. I've had people in high ranking positions, who have resources and money, who could have access to equipment which could cause damage, try to cover up for things that they did which could cost them their careers. The FBI employees I reported, I found out, had committed actual sex crimes against me, which, if convicted, would force them to register as sex offenders and they would lose their jobs.

There are other people who have had money and motive, and if it wasn't random environmental things, it was intentional. I believe and know it WAS intentional, because what was happening to my computers wasn't random. I took it to Panda and he agreed. Someone was messing around with me.

Don't you think it would be great to do something that would make me sound crazy? You don't know anything about what I've "been through" and the level of people I've pissed off.

If you want to help me and my son, you will grant continuance until I am able to prove this is true, through diagnostics and also prove the Wenatchee doctors damaged me and my son and tried to cover this up as well, which was motive for their complaints to CPS.

You need to open your eyes and listen to yourself.

Wenatchee does not know best. And if you want to claim it does, how can you say no one else is qualified to help me except your department, which already screwed me and my son?

My son fell asleep last night, listening to my voice. He was upset, and when someone tried to leave the room, just to go around the corner, I heard him sob, shriek, and panic. My son FREAKS out when people "disappear" now, because YOU took his mother away. This was the worst trauma he's ever been through and he's not over the shock. He has signs of behavioral problems and extreme anxiety when someone tries to leave him. It's not normal separation anxiety. He has been traumatized by your department. In response to his fears, I talked to my son. I told him I knew he must be scared now, when people leave, because his mama was taken away from him. I told him he knew his mama kept her promises and said she'd be right back when they put him in another car, and he waited, and waited, and he didn't see her again. I told him I knew he had been very, very, sad, and scared, and that he couldn't eat very much, or sleep, and that he cried. I told him I knew how frustrating it was because he couldn't even tell anyone how much he wanted to be wiht his mama. I told him only he and I and God knew how close we were and how good our relationship was. I told I knew he knew I was a good mom, and I told him he did nothing wrong, and that I always wanted to see him, but some bad people wouldn't let me. So mama cried too, and couldn't sleep, or eat. I talked to him like this, explaining things, and going over them, telling him what I was doing now, that I was trying to get a private attorney and other people to help him. I told him not to worry if he overheard people saying his mama didn't want to, or refused to come back. I told him his mama was fighting for him from the first day, and that he would be with me again and live with me, and play with me, like before. I would take him to McDonalds again, an dthe library, and park, and preschool, and swimming. And as I was talking, my son quieted down. I asked Andres, "what is he doing?" and andres said he was just lying down on his blanket with his eyes open, listening to me. And after 20 minutes, my son fell asleep, soothed to sleep by comforting words and the voice he knows and loves.

That was last night.

I'd like to know how you intend to "help" my son TODAY. Are you going to give his mother a chance to get evidence, or are you going to keep railroading this case?


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