Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mary Ann McIntosh Justice--Wenatchee Style

AG Mary Ann McIntosh asked the court to quit my telephone visitation with my son and the Judge agreed and made an order, in the last hearing where no one was representing my side.

Funny how Mary Ann is claiming I've "abandoned" my son and yet tries to stop me from having telephone contact with my son.

I've been calling anyway. The state, it appears, already knows they're in trouble for the way the last hearing was handled, and didn't even want me to know they'd gone so far. So it's not been enforced.

My son is comforted by his mother's voice, and was soothed and fell asleep to it, last night, and yet if the state had their way, they wouldn't even want him to hear from me. How is it, again (?), that they are trying to reunite the mother and child? How is it, again, that I'M the one who has abandoned and neglected my son? The state has abandoned and neglected their responsibilities.

Trying to cut off the only form of visitation I can manage right now, while trying to get help, is an further attempt to break the bond between me and my son.

And they claim to be all about my son's best interests, and push him around, and his mother around, knowing he cannot even speak up for himself and what he wants.

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