Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bad Waitress

I need to move my new stuff to another blog. I don't want to mix what's happening now with the past and the telling of my TTSOML.

I bombed on waitressing today, with only one table. I entered the pub with Paris Hilton's new ad on the television, and I then the rest of the day I was feeling like a part of one of her simple life moments. The whole day was a disaster, with me going to my only table, without menus, and then forgeting really stupid, the only thing different was onion rings instead of fries, and I give the guy fries. I was nervous to begin with and the more I goofed the worse it got. I seriously thought I was going to be fired at the end of my shift, but I'm still going back tomorrow. I guess I'll end the post just talking about me. I don't know beers at all. I didn't know Guiness was a dark beer and that Tseusling-Ling was a light beer. And I pronounced it, "Ting-ling."

I met someone who plays music by ear today, which was cool, and going to a band soon, and maybe I'll connect with some other musicians and do a few performing gigs one of these days. It would be fun, and fun money.

I am starting a new blog I think, as of today, for my new stuff, without revealing my name or the names of others, or locations. Then, here, I'll finish the TTSOML stuff.

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