Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Update On Making The Cut

Okay, so far, so good. I got into work and talked to my boss and he was really cool about everything. He's going to work with me so I'm able to work for him and this other job too.

I'm getting ready for my day with Bloc Party's "Banquet". I've had this song in my head for the last 3 days. I can't get enough of it. What is incredible about this band is the drummer. It's noticeable in their other songs too, which is quite rare--at least for me, to notice the drummer.

I like the lead's voice too.

I looked up the Department of State. It's a shame I didn't know what it is, to avoid making my ignorance known, but it sounds like something up my alley. One of the best things about this town is the international community. I've met a lot of British people, or people from all over the world who happen to have British accents, and Iranians, a few other middle eastern foreigners, Ethiopians, and also, quite a few former Soviet Union foreigners (or, I still say, "Russians", but you have to be careful because some like this and others don't. It's better to let them define themselves, I've learned). That's in addition to all the Spanish speaking people.

I heard a lot of French on the streets today. My French isn't very good though. I was able to keep it up when I was watching foreign films with subtitles, and kept my French up that way.

The guy I talked to who mentioned the Department of State was a lawyer and has worked for the DOJ (I think still does?). Anyway, I'll have to be very careful to keep my lips zipped around here on revealing personal details about people. For more than one reason. He recommended working for the DOJ if I were going into law, and recommended a couple of colleges in the area.

Okay, I'll give out some details about where I spent the night last night...I have to mix it up a bit so locations and some details are changed, but basically, I knew some hispanic workers (yeah, we've known eachother for years... ;)), and was wondering how to get into my apartment but then my back-up, another neighbor, wasn't home yet (said I could crash there if I got back late from D.C.). I was exhausted. I haven't slept much at all in the last 2 days, out late networking and just meeting people, and trying to get another job and figuring other logistics out too. I was wiped out and saw these workers hauling carpet out of a different apartment area (I was walking around and looking for a place to eat too). I asked if I could take a nap in one of the rooms while they worked in the other rooms. I said, "Mira mi piernas...los mosquitos pense soy comida..." They laughed and said I could. Basically, I checked later and my neighbor still wasn't home and I was too tired to care. I explained the situation and the workers let me stay in the unfinished apartment overnight. I had heat, and electricity, and even had a nice, hot, bath. And the place was all to myself and had a beautiful view. So it was great. Only problem was, I didn't have an alarm with me and my cord for my cell wasn't with me so I couldn't charge my phone. Otherwise, it was a good solution for an awkward situation. When I left, I left the apartment in perfect shape, turned off the heat, and closed the door.

I have a place to stay here, but timing is weird because of work shifts, until I move somewhere else on Friday.

Anyway, still trying to figure it all out. I don't know that it's a good idea to go back to WA without representation and I don't have a lawyer yet. I'm going to check on something though, to see if someone in particular would be willing to help pro bono. If anyone knows anyone who would like to help pro bono in the meantime, contact me here and let me know.

Oh, also, this morning I met this guy who suport my non-profit. He asked me to at least push for legalization of marijuana. He's a businessman who gave me his number and name. I wanted to remember him, bc he said he'd sign a petition for legalization, and I said, "Could you write 'marijuana' next to your name?" He paused, hand in mid-air, and I thought about it. LIke he wants his handwritten name and number next to "marijuana". So I laughed and said, "Oh yeah, right..." and he looks at me with an inquiring look and a grin like he's wondering if I'm DEA now. Right after he's told me all about his marijuana use and habits.

Well, haha.. I have to go to work

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