Thursday, August 28, 2008

Commentator Questions My Plans & Lawsuit For Work

Anonymous said...
Hold the phone! A few blog posts ago you blasted your aunt for putting your son in daycare because of you "beliefs" about it, now you want to start your own? How does that work?

August 28, 2008 11:37 AM

Mama said...
I'll tell you how it works. Number one, I wouldn't be running a 8-15 kids daycare with a T.V. on all day. My "daycare" would be for no more than 5 children and I would pick and choose who I admit into my daycare, which would not be FT but PT, and which would be closer to a preschool than a daycare. There would be outings and fun activities, art and music, and singing with hand motions, and reading and even a little language lesson or two. Lots of games and outdoor play, because what kids need most, is play. Not T.V., which they get sucked into.

I would be able to be THE PROVIDER for my son and choose my son's "playmates" and associates and make a little extra money giving other kids some good attention too.

I know what kind of "nanny" I've been and how I am with my son. I am strictly hands-on and I do NOT use T.V. My son saw one 1/2 hour movie a day, period, and he was learning shapes, colors, ABCs, and art, and made some beautiful paintings in fact, and drawings.

He danced with me to music and we danced around the kitchen and livingroom, and worked on rhythm with "drumsticks". I pulled him around in a Flyer wagon outside and played WITH him, holding his hand as we raced up and down dirt hills.

My son adores me and misses me dearly, and NO one can provide the kind of quality care I provide, or the affection and hugs and kisses. I was very demonstrative and in turn, he was affectionate and kind with other children and animals. I would engage the other few children in the same kind of environment, and then, because I would charge a good price for such good quality daycare, I would only do it PT.


That's how it works.

Wow. It's so difficult to think outside the box, isn't it?

August 28, 2008 4:39 PM

That was the end of my response to the comment, but I'll add a little more. This isn't a new "plan". I was already planning to be a nanny for 3 other children in Canada and already had the job offer, and was going to care for my son there at the same time. So I was already "doing" this, but it wasn't at my own house, with my own structure and daycare. Now, because of the ruling against me for fact finding, I will never be able to get a license to have a daycare, because I have been found "guilty" of basically being a risk to my OWN CHILD. And it's not the "risk" that is mentioned, it's just "abuse and neglect". This not only harms me and my son now, it directly affects and damages my livlihood when almost all of my work experience has been with children. This costs me my son and also my job. When I did nothing wrong, and I was not even given a public defender or discovery to fight with.

If I had a license for a daycare, I could both watch my son and make money watching other kids, PT and then still go to college and finish up at night, and study at night while my son slept, which is what I'd been planning to do.

CPS has not only damaged and traumatized my son unnecessarily, I have had my entire life's work destroyed and my future work with children destroyed as well. It's basic grounds for a lawsuit. I was not given due process.

Also, my values and religious beliefs can be imbued upon others' kids who have parents with views similiar to mine. I do NOT believe in FT daycare for any child, at all. Research on the emotional development of children consistently shows children ARE damaged in daycares, and that one-on-one attention at least part or most of the time, is essential to healthy development. Kids with nannies fare better, because it's still one-on-one, even if it's not the parent. It's been determined there isn't much dfiference whether it is a parent or a nanny watching the children most of the time--the differences are noted with daycares. Kids are neglected in daycares, and sit by the television. It's a gross tragedy I had prepared against, with my son's best interests in mind.

Michelle Erickson is, in no way, qualified to determine what is best for my son, or to even make "risk assessments". She has almost zero experience with not just children, but with adults. Her experience is with teens, who are in rehab. She has no practical knowledge, or even educational training about children, especially young children, and their needs.

My parental rights have been violated, my right to due process was violated, my right to representation was violated, my future work has been damaged because of this, and my son's mental health has been damaged as well. Finally, my civil and religious rights have been violated because the state has gone against what they knew my beliefs were and are. I also specifically told CPS and my family I did NOT want my son to be immunized because of religious/philosophical reasons and because of a horrible reaction he had to shots which I found out he received double of, by mistake, and which still contained the now-banned mercury Thimerserol.


  1. I get it now, so you are basically assuming that most if not all daycares deny kids one-on-one attention and plop kids down in front of T.V. all day. That's a pretty big generalization. After having worked in quite a few myself, I have found most striving to give kids exactly what you have described in how you would run your own. Do you even know anything about the daycare your aunt has put your son into? Have you asked or is it all an assumption so that you can have something else to get upset about and gain sympathy for your cause?

  2. First of all, "anonymous", this is the last time I publish your whining defense for the "department".

    Number one, if there is a T.V. on, kids will gravitate to it. I did NOT leave T.V. on in my house.

    Number two, daycare do NOT give kids "one-on-one" attention, and you may have worked in a daycare, but that doesn't mean you know anything about child development or that you attempted to educate yourself, as I have. If you had, you would be familiar with the studies that consistently show children are damaged in daycare and that they are not as emotionally healthy and well-developed as children who are raised by one solid provider.

    Number three, no I wouldn't know that much about the daycare my son is in, because both Wenatchee CPS AND my aunt and own family concealed the fact they were dumping my son into one. One one asked my feelings, what my opinions and values were, or even considered finding out whether I would be willing to help pay for a nanny for my son, rather than having him thrown into daycare. I've not been kept abreast of ANY of my son's appointments. It is difficult for the state to claim they care about my bond with my son and my parental rights, when they behave in this manner.

    Number five--I strongly regret that my son was placed with any member of my "family". My son obviously would have been better off in another family that has parental philosophies which match mine.

    Number six: What exactly do you think my "cause" is? Bitch, let me tell you what it is. My "cause" is my son. I'd like to ask you the same thing and ask you why you don't have the balls to sign with your real name instead of hiding under the shroud of "anonymous". You're not only a moral coward, you're an intellectual coward who can't put their name next to their argument, and you obviously know very little about child development, despite your work in daycares.

    Being a worker in a daycare means nothing. You can work for a daycare and still be completely ignorant about child development and milestones and child psychology. I've read books, kept subscriptions regarding children and parenting, and read dozens of books about parenting. I did this BEFORE I ever had a child, and then when I had my son, I read books about development wherever he was at, including educational development and Montessori philosophies.

    Go back to college and get a degree, and I say this because you obviously need someone pushing you to educate yourself and need the structure of someone telling you what to do. If you were an independent thinker and had any brains or intellectual curiosity and will at all, you would have studied these things for yourself, as I have done, and would actually have something concrete with which to back up YOUR assumptions.
