Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grounds For Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Wenatchee CPS and State

CPS has not only damaged and traumatized my son unnecessarily, I have had my entire life's work destroyed and my future work with children destroyed as well. It's basic grounds for a lawsuit. I was not given due process.

Also, my values and religious beliefs can be imbued upon others' kids who have parents with views similiar to mine. I do NOT believe in FT daycare for any child, at all. Research on the emotional development of children consistently shows children ARE damaged in daycares, and that one-on-one attention at least part or most of the time, is essential to healthy development. Kids with nannies fare better, because it's still one-on-one, even if it's not the parent. It's been determined there isn't much dfiference whether it is a parent or a nanny watching the children most of the time--the differences are noted with daycares. Kids are neglected in daycares, and sit by the television. It's a gross tragedy I had prepared against, with my son's best interests in mind.

Michelle Erickson is, in no way, qualified to determine what is best for my son, or to even make "risk assessments". She has almost zero experience with not just children, but with adults. Her experience is with teens, who are in rehab. She has no practical knowledge, or even educational training about children, especially young children, and their needs.

My parental rights have been violated, my right to due process was violated, my right to representation was violated, my future work has been damaged because of this, and my son's mental health has been damaged as well. Finally, my civil and religious rights have been violated because the state has gone against what they knew my beliefs were and are. I also specifically told CPS and my family I did NOT want my son to be immunized because of religious/philosophical reasons and because of a horrible reaction he had to shots which I found out he received double of, by mistake, and which still contained the now-banned mercury Thimerserol.

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