Saturday, August 30, 2008

Copy Of Email To Holly Avila

Phone Visitation‏
Sent: Sat 8/30/08 6:13 PM

I have tried several times, in the last 3 days, to call Oliver. I've called morning, afternoon, and night, and never been able to get through.

Your phone always says you're on People PC and that someone is on the computer, and then I call again and again and no one gets off, or it rings busy. The busy signal has happened several times.

Finally, I got through this morning at about 8 a.m. your time and Dahlia told me you refuse to allow Oliver to speak to me unless you're home/there.

There has been no court order from a Judge stating you need to be there for a phone visit. Obviously, you don't care enough to be at home with him, and put other people in charge of him all the time, which I've not had any way of screening, and there is no reason for my missing a visit with him because of whatever your issues are.

You have become obsessed with my son, and jealous of his mother. I heard Pablo protest as you hung up on me and Oliver when Oliver was trying to speak to me. I heard what he said and you refused to take my call when I tried to call back.

From the beginning, you wouldn't give Oliver photos of me and only after I complained to CPS did you even put ONE photo of me on the wall for him to see.

You claim you have no interest in taking him and yet you don't keep me informed about any of his appointments and never have. You have railroaded me, his mother, for your own agenda and wish to adopt him, which you expressed to CPS in the beginning and which CPS told the Judge was the case in the last hearing.

If you cared about Oliver, and about keeping the bond between us, you would try to repsect my wishes and ask me what my values and beliefs are regarding certain things.

You have not acted as any member of a "family" I'm related to, and you are a religious fanatic who puts her own draining expectations on everyone else.

I have a right, and Oliver has a right, to have conversations with me, and you have attempted to obstruct this right and yet claim you're on my side at the same time.

I had people, in the very beginning, question your motives, and I think you are making it plain what your agenda has been from the first.

I would never want you for a mother for my son, and my son already has a mother. He does NOT need you. You had zero interest in visiting him before and made zero effort to be involved in his life earlier, when I invited others to be involved. I have email from your own daughters, expressing concern over your mental state, and your anger issues and instabilities, which, one of your daughters hoped, was just a symptom of "menopause". You are in no position to watch my son, and obstruct his bond with me. You have also demonstrated an inability to hold your cool while talking to me and to keep Oliver from hearing your vile arguments and yelling. Your own husband knows what you are like. It is a wonder to me that he stays with you.

All for Jesus, I guess.

I'm posting this because for some reason, I'm not able to get through by phone, and haven't been able to talk to my son for days. I am NOT okay with that, or with your behavior.

Also, for the record, I have left about 3 messages asking if you will call my phone when it's okay to call, and then I'll call right back, on my cell phone, using my minutes, and you've not even tried to do this.


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