Saturday, August 30, 2008

Going To Counseling For Documentation

I have made several attempts to call my son and I constantly get a machine that says someone is on the computer or I get a busy signal. They've already told me that my number is displayed to whomever is on the computer at the time, so they know I'm calling. They've said, in the past, they'll get off the phone if I'm trying to call in, but for over 3 days no one has made an attempt to connect me.

My guess is that it's because my son isn't doing very well, and I always pick up on this over the phone, and can tell. I knew something was going on even before my son was thrown into daycare suddenly. He wasn't okay and I think he was trying to tell me. My guess is that he'd already been put into the daycare to be "transitioned" in and this was affecting him.

I know what my son's needs are, better than anyone, and he needs me.

At this point, I'm going to counseling just to develop a record for a civil rights lawsuit against the state, of how their actions have affected me and my son.

I have already made contact with someone for this purpose, and all I know is that I have damages and my son has damages, and I have to have a paper record and documentation that what CPS has done has harmed us and was wrong.

Not only that, I've started telling some people who know me, in D.C, what's been going on, and they are in shock. They cannot believe anyone would ever claim I'm mentally ill and they see me every single day, working with the public, and after work as well. I also have lived with roommates who are co-workers and all of them know there's nothing wrong with me. So when they hear what's going on, they absolutely believe me, more than others who aren't around me and don't know me well.

All of these things, I plan to use in the future to prove I was railroaded and that my son has suffered most.

I still don't have discovery from the state either.

When I say it would be fun to be a diplomat, I think about my relations with my family, CPS, and others who have done harm. It doesn't make me sound very "diplomatic" and yet I've had some supporters say to me, my anger over what's been done and is being done, is justifiable. I don't have irrational and misplaced anger. People do things I "don't like" or "don't agree with" all the time. I have relationships fall through, like anyone; I have romantic feelings and interests unreturned; I've been fired...I've had all the usual disappointments and none of these things upsets me. I'm extremely patient and I don't turn on people because of their issues with me or because something doesn't go the way I want it to.

What I DO have a problem with, is the injustice and harassment I've been through, specifically by the RCC and their lawyers and some of their more fanatical followers, and those I've reported for misconduct, who have attempted to retaliate. As for my family, they just have always had their own issues, and my problems with them are nothing new and my best friends know this. When the state tries to align my family to their agenda, this is disturbing to me because they use their understanding of my family's religious beliefs to try to influence them against me. They try to tell my family maybe I could be "helped" and that it's a mental illness, and yet they know there is no mental illness, and that they are the ones who are sick and cannot stand to be exposed. If I write scathing and mean attacks, when I do, it is justified and only after extreme disrespect and harassment by others, and especially, when it involves my son.

These people are sick and there is nothing to cure them. Nothing but a lawsuit to at least hold them accountable.

In the meantime, my roommate is telling me, sitting across from me on the couch, that she will vouch for how many times I've tried to reach my son and call him.

I am so sorry for my son and what has been done to him.

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