Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CPS Refuses To Amend Visitation

RE: Request For Scheduled Visitation Of Oliver Garrett & Mailing Of Discovery To New Address‏
Sent: Tue 8/19/08 3:39 PM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (ermi300@dshs.wa.gov)

Then there is really no point in my going to the hearing at all, as it is clear that being unrepresented, and forced to go pro se, will avail nothing, not even a visit with my son.

This is a reminder to your department and the court that I was not even represented or allowed to defend myself at the last hearing where my "visitation" was "suspended". I had absolutely no say in the matter, and neither I nor anyone else was allowed to defend on my behalf.

That is not due process, nor is it equal right to due process.

> Subject: RE: Request For Scheduled Visitation Of Oliver Garrett & Mailing Of Discovery To New Address
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:34:47 -0700
> From: ERMI300@dshs.wa.gov
> To: cam
> CC: SCNL300@dshs.wa.gov
> Ms. Garrett,
> I just attempted to reach you on your cell phone to discuss these issues
> with you, however there was no answer and your phone indicates that your
> voicemail box is not set up.
> The Department will not be scheduling a visit for you and your son prior
> to court next week as the current court order states that visits are
> suspended. The Department is bound by court order and cannot waver from
> it without further ruling from the court.
> Discovery was sent to you on July 22, 2008 to the mailing address you
> provided via email on July 21, 2008. Marie and I will prepare a second
> discovery packet for you and mail it out to your current address in the
> coming days.
> Thank you and take care!
> Michelle Erickson, MSW
> Social Worker III
> Division of Children and Family Services
> Wenatchee
> Phone: (509) 667-6118
> Fax: (509) 664-6358
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cam > Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:44 AM
> To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA); paul_glassen@hotmail.com;
> pcassel@cbm-law.us; Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA); Caballero, Tomas (ATG)
> Subject: Request For Scheduled Visitation Of Oliver Garrett & Mailing Of
> Discovery To New Address
> Importance: High
> Dear CPS and Judge Hotchkiss:
> If I come into Wenatchee for the hearing, it will be hundreds of dollars
> for a short trip and then I'll have to go back to continue with work, my
> internship, medical care and diagnostics, and my college application
> process.
> I would like to at least see my son Oliver if I'm coming into town, and
> am writing now to ask if this can be arranged--that visitation is
> scheduled. I had heard visitation was removed because the state claimed
> they didn't want to have to keep contacting me about their obligation
> (which they never fulfilled anyway when I was in Blaine and asked for
> accomodations for disability).
> At this point, it makes no sense for me to stay in town for any amount
> of time after the hearing, unless I can see my son.
> If the state is claiming I "abandoned" my son, and that they have always
> encouraged visitation, I would think they would be quick to be make
> arrangments to get in touch with me regarding this matter.
> Please let me know ASAP.
> Additionally, I have not received any discovery from the court or the
> "department" at ALL, and need this prior to the court hearing. The
> former address was correct, but the roommate there had everything sent
> back, he said. I don't know why, he just said he called it in to be
> sent back, perhaps because a girlfriend of his was coming back into town
> and he didn't want her to notice mail addressed to me coming to his
> house. For whatever reason, I didn't know this until yesterday, when he
> dropped off my stuff. I had been wondering where my mail was.
> So I don't have anything, and I need it to be sent now to this address:
> NW
> Washington D.C., MD 20009
> You may also reach me, at anytime, at my phone number, which is:

> Please keep my contact information private and not in the public record.
> Please confirm you've received this email and what your actions will be
> so I'm able to anticipate what I should do.
> Cameo Garrett
> _________________________________________________________________

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