Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wenatchee CPS And It's Failure To Reunite Families

The department has a right to file a motion on its own initiative. They could file a motion asking the Judge to lift the suspension and yet they don't.

From the start, the state has constantly worked hard at making a case against me, and in alienating me from my son, and my son's affections from me.

From the start, they delayed on allowing visitation, when my son was most traumatized, and they then refused to accomodate when I couldn't travel by bus, when the other city's CPS (where I lived) said this was most unusual and that it made sense to have the case transfered to their jurisdiction to keep the mother-son bond intact. They didn't know why Wenatchee refused and said the most logical thing was to have the case tried and held where I was, and have my son transfered to be close to the biological mother.

Wenatchee refused. The only time they began to give in and give up their justifications, was when they thought I had a private attorney on board. At that point, the main director called me up and asked about voluntarily dismissing the whole case. Why? Because he knew CPS never had appropriate grounds or evidence to begin with, and because they had not exhausted all other avenues and remedies before separating a child from his mother.

This is the same Wenatchee CPS which was taking children from biological parents and putting them up for adoption with friends they knew in town, which had posters on the wall about how someone would get a candy bar if they found a baby/child for adoptive parents.


  1. If you would go to see your son, then why couldn't you go to this hearing? So what if Wenatchee CPS sucks, at least maybe you could get your visitations back, and you would be showing the court that you cared enough about your son to be there. A while back (earlier blog postings) weren't you wanting to go pro-se because the public defenders weren't good enough anyway?
    Besides, if you were to visit him, wouldn't it be really hard for him to see you for a day and then have to watch you leave him again until who knows when? Would that be the best thing for him considering his detachment disorder? However, if you came and stayed then at least if you got your visitations back he could see you more often. If you don't go, you won't know what is said or what happens, and any lawyer who would defend you would wonder why you wouldn't have made the effort to be there in the first place. If it were me no injury would be hurtful enough, no job important enough, no city corrupt enough to keep me from my son. From your blog you sound as if you'd rather be a victim than a mother. When your son is older, he won't care that you "hurt to much" to travel, or that you "were trying to sue everyone because they made your life miserable" or to "find a good defender because Wenatchee sucks" all he will care about is that fact that you weren't there for him when he needed you most. I think if you would have stayed and showed CPS you cared enough to be there and work with them regardless of your pride you could have had him back by now. You would be a hard one to defend because you were not there, and you did move away, all excuses and blame shifting aside. How long are you going to make your son wait?

  2. I couldn't go to the hearing because I didn't have transportation and I didn't have a lawyer besides. It wasn't my choice to be denied public defense. I said it would be better to be pro se, than deal with the shitty PDs, however, that's only the case if I were actually given the same considerations and privileges a PD gets. For one thing, any lawyer representing me would want several months time to prepare a defense to fact finding, and to collect evidence and diagnostics in my favor. I am also not financially equipped to pay the kinds of court costs and legal fees for obtaining diagnostics or even the transcripts, which the Wenachee court is telling me I have to pay for, if I want a copy.

    I am working FT and I cannot defend myself at the same time. It sounds to me like you're making a defense for the state, not for me and my son. You're justifying their behavior and actions, and trying to shift this around on me. Finally, I at least DID appear by telephone, to advocate for myself and my son and I was HUNG up on.

    There was no one to defend me and my and my son's rights.

    As for you and what you would do, and your knowledge of my situation, you don't know enough about it to pass judgment and I would think someone who makes assumptions, such as yourself, would be better suited to working for the "department" than as a family rights advocate. Don't assume anything is a rule I think everyone should live by, and ignoring this basic common-sense logic is only going to lead to faulty conclusions.

    I could have gone directly to Wenatchee, and been without a job, without a place to live or stay, and trapped in the system, with Wenatchee CPS and Wenatchee doctors continuing to make false claims about me. OR, I could go where I am able to prove everyone else, it seems, has such a diametrically different view of me, it would seem either Wenatchee is delusional, or I am the greatest scam artist that ever walked the earth.

    Why is it, that I can live with people, roommates, and work with people outside of Washington state, and do so well? And not have problems?

    If I had stayed in Wenatchee, I would have been unemployed, not received medical care, and trapped in their system, which doesn't benefit me OR my son. They could say THEY are the only ones who "know me" (even though they don't know me at all) and that they are the only ones with firsthand knowledge about what I'm like. If I'm only surrounded by enemies, only my enemies have room to talk, because they are the only ones with proximity, and no one is able to counter this by saying THEY know me to be entirely different from what Wenatchee claims.

    I had massive political problems in Wenatchee, and what was happening to me and my son there, happened. I still haven't gone into detail about my dealings with the branch of the FBI there, the police, and other corrupt things which were happening. Not to mention my constant car vandalisms and other robberies. Why would I go back to a town where I was endangered, or want to keep my son there? I had problems ever since my litigation with the Catholic church, period.

    I even had bizarre things happening with Knights of Columbus individuals, and their group actually did some odd things.

    I also had FBI individuals in NYC involved in my affairs. There were people,, from the beginning, using their government positions, to harm me.

    That's basically mafia conduct.

    You don't mix church and state, period, but you wouldn't think about any of these things, because you don't know what happened, and your viewpoint is limited and constricted.

    Why don't I go to Wenatchee? Because neither I nor my son are safe there, and I want him OUT of there. Some of the people in Wenatchee are not BAD, and haven't been wanting to harm us, but they are so narrow minded, they believe anything and everything they hear or read. Obviously, in my case, which is complicated, it doesn't benefit me to be around minds which think if someone says they know someone from the CIA or FBI, they must be "delusional". Over here, everyone knows someone from the CIA and FBI. It's no big deal. There are international spies in D.C. Maybe it sounds dramatic to some, but it's a fact, given all the embassies and the hub that this town is.

    To live in a town where no one is listening to me, and making their small corn-fed assumptions about me and where I come from, is not in the best interest of my son.

    Instead of focusing on me, you could have focused on what the department has done, and how strange it is that Wenatchee has latched onto this case rather than transfering it as other CPS deparmtnets felt should be done and would be protocol.

    Wenatchee CPS and the department have already defended themselves against me, in a Fair Hearing for discrimination, and they LOST. Now they want to win, and call me crazy at the same time, and permanently displace my son from me, which is exactly what they've done.

    If I were a "victim" I would have gone back to Wenatchee. I'm not a victim, and no one is going to make me into something I'm not.

    My son is the true victim here, and I have enough email correspondence for him to read, to back up what I've said and what my intentions are. Everything I've done, I've done for him.

    If you want to rail against something, why not write Wenatchee CPS? Unless you just so happen to work for the Wenatchee AG.
