Friday, August 22, 2008

Wenatchee AG Attempts To Censor CPS

I got this email note from CPS worker Marie Scanlon. The problem with email, it seems, is that Ms. Scanlon doesn't know how to censor what she writes, and the lawyers (AG) for their office don't like correspondence occuring without being able to edit and preview what is sent to me first, because they know I will post it on my blog. If the issue is "personal attacks", this is as easily done in U.S. Postal Mail. Personal attacks are also most readily made over the telephone, which, for interesting reasons, CPS embraces. Telephone calls, and THEIR comments made to me, they know, cannot be posted publicly. I suppose I could always start recording and put the sound bites on YouTube. If people only knew some of the comments and abuse, not to mention flat-out LIES, I've listened to over the phone from these people.

They refuse to allow visitation of my son, and also made it clear they wouldn't pay for transportation to the hearings, which, in the past, they admitted was their obligation. It is NOT their obligation to provide for hotel room and transportation for visitation, but for hearings, and they emailed me without having it go through the AG first.

Over the phone, they could have said the same thing, and then denied it later, when I brought it up in court, or mentioned it on my blog.

They also made their ignorance and prejudice regarding my disability clear, by making snotty comments about how they failed to understand how my "alleged" disability prevented me from taking a bus, but not a plane.

I've already had people come up to me and say what they think about what the department is saying and doing. It's discrimination and they prove themselves that they are not interested in reunification of me and my son, but in waging their war (for personal reasons) on their terms.

email correspondence changes‏
From: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (
Sent: Thu 8/21/08 3:53 PM
Cc: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (

Michelle and I are no longer going to respond to your emails. The
personal attacks are inappropriate and will no longer be tolerated. We
are going to block your email address from our computer and we will only
accept and respond to communication with you via telephone or the United
States Postal Service.

If you wish to engage in the services that have been recommended for
you, please contact Michelle at 509-667-6118 or myself at 509-667-6142.
Our mailing address is 805 South Mission St., Wenatchee, WA 98801.

Marie Scanlon
Social Worker III
Wenatchee DCFS
(509) 667-6142

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank

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