Thursday, August 14, 2008

CPS Shit From Marie Scanlon

By the way, I wouldn't put that quote of Anne Frank's next to your name if I were you. It's an absolute embarressment to not only Anne but the entire Jewish community.

> From:
> To:
> CC:;;;;;
> Subject: RE: Oliver Garrett Hearing Date And Time Needed
> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:13:24 -0700
> Marie,
> First of all, you have no business being in your position. When I am in a better position to do something about it, I will, and believe me, this area is the best place to be for making change happen as the federal department of Social Health services is only down the block and people from ADA and other departments come into my workplace all the time.
> You wouldn't know it, but why don't you ask Tom Caballero, since he used to live out here--this area is about networking. When people know me and hear what's going on they're shocked. It's not difficult to make friends out here. Where it was difficult, is a narrow minded town like Wenatchee, where small minded people such as yourself pass judgement over matters you know nothing about and cannot be prepared to know.
> I have told you time and time again, that I could not SIT on the bus because it was too crowded. At first, when I traveled, it wasn't busy and I always took seats 2 next to eachother. I took up TWO seats and sat sideways or laid down. After it got busier, this was impossible and it caused severe pain and worsened symptoms to take the bus, and impaired my work, which was then only PT anyway. You are in NO position to judge whether or not I have or had pain, no more than the ignorant Wenatchee doctors are in a position, or ever were in a position, to try to decide whether I had migraines or not, when every other doctor out of the area contradicted them and agreed with ME, including expert neurologists.
> A 10 hour flight on a plane, for ONE hearing, IS different. The seats are larger and there is more space between them and it's possible to recline and shift positions. Obviously, you haven't been on a bus in awhile, and it's my recommendation you and your coworker Michelle experiment to see if I am right, and try to sit your fat asses side by side and stay off of your tailbone at the same time. When I see the two of you prove me wrong, you may have room to talk.
> Finally, you told me yourself that it WAS the departments obligation to provide transportation and a room for HEARINGS, but not for visitation, which is why it was done the entire time I was in Whatcom County. The department DOES provide for such transportation and it's my belief that you simply don't like the fact I've moved to bigger and better things where you and your shitty department can be proven wrong, if not immediately, in the future.
> And when I DO have my law degree, Ms. Scanlon, you and your shitty department may be the first to know and receive an invitation to my graduation party, before I begin my career exposing and shutting down the funds for bureaucratic bullshit that discriminates against the poor and minorities and penalizes those who upset the establishment or status quo.
> I recommend you listen to a song by Tracy Chapman, called "Talking About A Revolution". I've been listening to it all day, and thinking how I am unique in Washington D.C., in that while there are policy makers abundant, not many of them have the firsthand experiences that I've had, in dealing with prejudice as an actual member of the lowest class, the welfare class. It's just a shame that I am bolder and have more integrity of strength than most of the people you beat down, and it's time a group of people began to empower these individuals, to TAKE what is rightfully theirs, and to stand up for themselves and others and against the plutocracy.
> I see you as someone who laughs at what I write and say, rolling your eyes as you make idle commentary about the new Wal-Mart opening up next door and your grandma's cabin in Lake Wenatchee. You're a paper pusher and a people pusher, and most of you obviously went into your profession for the wrong reasons and without hindsight.
> Your hindsight, I promise, will be 20/20.
> Please reconsider the contradictory statements you've made about how your department does and then does not provide transportation to and from hearings.
> I have a right to move anywhere I like in the U.S. You took my son, not ME, and you don't have a protective order on me, and your department has no say in deciding where I am able to make a living and provide for myself and my son.
> Deal with it. And, if I were you, speaking as a formerly fat woman myself, who gained 100 lbs during my pregnancy, I'd lay off the potato chips and start finding productive ways to get the oxygen flowing to your brain.
> Cameo
> ----------------------------------------
> > Subject: RE: Oliver Garrett Hearing Date And Time Needed
> > Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:04:02 -0700
> > From:
> > To:
> > CC:
> >
> > Cameo,
> >
> > CPS is not responsible for your travel arrangements to and from court
> > hearings. Judge Hotchkiss has been continuing the hearings in order for
> > you to be able to appear in person since before you left to Washington
> > D.C. You should have made the efforts to make it to the hearings when
> > you were living closer.
> >
> > The Department is not responsible for the decisions you have made and we
> > are not responsible to pay for a plane ticket for you to come to
> > Wenatchee. You had the means to move across the country on your own and
> > you did so knowing that Oliver was going to remain here and that there
> > would continue to be court hearings in Waterville.
> >
> > You declined to ride on a bus for only four hours in order to visit your
> > son, so it does not make any sense to me how a 10+ hour flight will be
> > more accommodating for your alleged disability.
> >
> > This next hearing is a Dependency Fact Finding Trial. Judge Hotchkiss
> > granted the Department Shelter Care on June 25, 2008. I emailed that
> > ruling to you after the hearing. It was probably one of the emails that
> > you said you didn't open.
> >
> >
> > Marie Scanlon
> > Social Worker III
> > Wenatchee DCFS
> > (509) 667-6142
> >
> >
> > How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
> > starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cam huegenot []
> > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:29 PM
> > To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA)
> > Cc:; Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA);
> >;; Caballero, Tomas (ATG)
> > Subject: RE: Oliver Garrett Hearing Date And Time Needed
> >
> >
> > I am wondering if CPS will pay for transportation to Wenatchee, WA.
> >
> > There are some flights from Dulles, in Washington D.C., which are about
> > $600 RT with a departure of Aug. 26 and then going back to D.C. on the
> > 28th.
> >
> > I have to work and have 2 jobs which require me to be in D.C., as well
> > as an internship. I cannot miss more work than that.
> >
> > It would be cheaper than bus fare, and I cannot ride on a bus because
> > the seats are too hard and there isn't enough room for me to sit to the
> > side or adjust or recline. This isn't a problem on trains or a plane.
> >
> > Please let me know as I would like to be in attendance, and I would also
> > like to visit my son while I am there.
> >
> > I would also need a hotel room for 1-2 nights while there.
> >
> > I cannot stay in Wenatchee or the Washington state area as my medical
> > needs are not met there, and my job opportunities have been 200% better
> > here, which benefits my son. I plan to have my son relocated to the
> > D.C. area to live with me
> > while I complete a college degree in this area, and go on to law school.
> > It is possible for Oliver to remain in my care as I go to college
> > because I will have flexibility to be with him and study while he is
> > sleeping.
> >
> > By the way, no one in D.C. thinks I'm nuts, which is funny, as Wenatchee
> > must believe they are smarter and know more about me than people I work
> > with everyday, who have more education and more life experience besides.
> >
> >
> > I also have people with connections, from Canada, who are beginning to
> > come to their senses and realize what happened was wrong and that
> > turning me and my son over to Washington state was a mistake.
> >
> > I am in a city of embassies, with some pretty intelligent folk.
> >
> > Please let me know about arrangements.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Cameo
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------
> >> Subject: RE: Oliver Garrett Hearing Date And Time Needed
> >> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:09:08 -0700
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >>
> >> The Fact Finding hearing is set for August 27, 2008 at 1 p.m. at the
> >> Douglas County Courthouse in Waterville. Will you be attending?
> >>
> >> Have a great day!
> >>
> >> Marie Scanlon
> >> Social Worker III
> >> Wenatchee DCFS
> >> (509) 667-6142
> >>
> >>
> >> How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
> >> starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: cam huegenot []
> >> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 9:02 AM
> >> To:; Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA);
> >>; Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA); Caballero, Tomas (ATG)
> >> Subject: Oliver Garrett Hearing Date And Time Needed
> >>
> >>
> >> I need to know the time and date of the next hearing for my son,
> > Oliver
> >> Garrett.
> >>
> >> Holly told me she thought it was the 27th but that doesn't sound
> > right.
> >> I remember something about the 23rd but am not sure. I don't have all
> >> the pap

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