Thursday, August 14, 2008

Response To Ms. Copher Regarding Wenatchee CPS Negligence

Ms. Copher wrote a comment a few posts back, about the failings of CPS to her niece and the baby. This is in reference to the woman in Wenatchee who killed herself and her own son after Wenatchee CPS had ample warning the woman was a danger to both herself and her child, and had been a meth addict for years.

What I find disturbing is that Wenatchee obviously makes their decisions based on their politics. If someone doesn't "bother" them or "upset" their friends, they really have no interest at all in the welfare of the family or of the child and don't even bother with preliminary follow-up where it's clearly warranted.

I, on the other hand, have been hounded and hunted to such a degree I had Canadian RCMPs asking what in the world was going on and what the state's agenda was with me. They thought it very odd. The amount of effort which has gone into castigating me, harming me and my son, and trying to displace blame, is bizarre and only proves politics have been involved.

There was never evidence of harm or problem with my care of my son and I was in the public eye in Wenatchee. I pissed off some people and that was it, and those individuals did not give up on their pursuit of making me pay, to cover themselves, punish me, and prevent me from focusing on a medical malpractice suit instead of getting my son back. The objective was to distract and disturb me and my son, and to clear themselves and buy them time, knowing I couldn't file a lawsuit on my son's behalf if he was removed from me, and that even diagnostics of his injuries and services to help him wouldn't be obtained.

This has been a politcal crock of shit and the person who has suffered the most has been my son.

Meanwhile, as CPS maintains their vigilante on me, they ignore real crisis situations and fail to have psych evaluations done on serious drug addicts and people who have actually proven to have neglected or abused their children.

Ms. Copher and her family should consider finding a private attorney for a lawsuit against the state, for negligence and failure to perform the basic duties they took an oath to perform.

The department was negligent, and Ms. Copher, you should begin contacting attorneys from the Seattle area and start asking around. Just don't tell anyone you're taking my advice.

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