Friday, August 22, 2008

D.C. Safety Net With Internationals

I guess I feel safer in D.C. for another reason...

Because I don't know exactly what group was responsible for the radiation/electromagnetic stuff that was happening to me and my son, and because I appealed to people in my own country to no avail, when I had constant car vandalisms and other harassment, and weird police profiling and stuff...I guess I feel if no one in my own country would come to the assistance of me and my son, when I requested their help so many times, maybe some other group in the international community is listening.

This is an international town, and people can see for themselves what I'm like and what I'm about. Even if my story sounds bizarre, it IS bizarre, but truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. At least, I feel, there is better protection. I may have friends in my own country, or fans I don't know about, but I also believe I may have friends in the international community and that surrounding myself with such diversity will limit the strength of just one "party". I think I have friends from around the world, and I hope to discover, someday, who they are.

I want to do work for the human rights of all people. I have suffered, and I've seen the corruption of more than one system. If i can't make a difference here, I want to be strengthened to do it elsewhere.

I know about things most people aren't experienced in, such as propoganda, counterpropoganda, the legal system in America (civil and criminal), and the operations of some agencies. I am also equally comfortable with the rich and the poor, and have been familiar with both extremes, and lived with people from both extremes. However, my heart is probably more empathetic to those who experience the most discrimination, and that is usually minorities, immigrants, and especially and increasingly in the U.S., the "poor".

The way the system is structured now, leaves no one safe who isn't equipped with proper funds. This is fundamental injustice. It is not only the rich whose rights are supposed to be secured in this country, but the rights of the poor as well.

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