Friday, August 22, 2008

"Hot Flashes"

When I was first experiencing the symptoms of whatever was going on, with my son as well, when we first started having the twitching, someone THEN, asked me if I was having "hot flashes." It was very odd. I asked why they would ask, when I hadn't mentioned anything about this.

Then, there was the taxi driver who told me, after this, that radiation/electromagnetic exposure, will cause premature menopause.

Later, I was in Canada, and a couple asked me if I was still having my period, without having other information about what was going on. They were worried I wasn't.

I did have a normal period, as it came back after I left our location in the States with my son, but then it tapered off to nothing. I basically don't have a period now.

I also do notice some problems with my short term memory now as well. Some things are a little more difficult, though my memory has usually been superior. I could remember whole conversations before, verbatim, and this still happens, but is sometims more spotty. I also know my son still has speech problems where he never did before, and where he was showing signs of being exceptionally gifted.

I remember the tone when I was asked if I was having "hot flashes". It was a little strange. I asked why they were asking, and said, "Oh nothing, nothing." I wasn't having hot flashes, and I wondered why someone was asking me if I was.

At that time, I had not said anything to anyone about radiation or magnetic exposure because it hadn't crossed my mind. It was months after this, that I consulted a computer guy because of all the malicious hacking taking place with my computer.

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