Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Deciding My Life Course & Hearing Today

Last night I went with some new people I had just met, to watch Hillary Clinton's speech and have a glass of Chardonnay. My favorite part was the line about being for the people, not just "the favored few". Nice. I liked the alliteration. I found a girlfriend I can go dancing with, I think, and met some runners as well.

I'm sort of thinking of moving to Virginia, just across the border. Staying close to D.C., but I have to look into it. For one thing, I love D.C. I really don't want to live elsewhere, but with my son, it would be less expensive to live in VA. Also, if I decide I want to go to law school at George Mason, which is a top notch state school, it would be cheaper if I had VA residency. I still have to finish my B.A. though, and I could do that at U of Maryland or George Mason...still contemplating.

I think I want to be a public defender. A really, really, good one. I want to give people who are discriminated against, their day in court. I also want to take cases at some point, that change policies and laws. I want policies to change. So someone suggested I look into Congress and the Senate, which I cannot see for myself, with my untidy "slate" or history with certain groups and the WW already, but at the least, I know I could be a damn good attorney. Someone else also suggested social work with a legal degree, or working with juveniles. Could be interesting, but not social work if there's too much administrative stuff. Like the coffee shop boss said, "You're not very good at behind the scenes work, like keeping the coffee going..." I really did try but I'm a little bit of an absent-minded professor (but not professor) type.

I still want to change laws which give religious organizations certain privileges other corporations don't have. I think they should be treated the same. I also want to change laws which give corporations, in general, and the rich, privileges and government welfare they're not entitled to and should have never received in the first place.

I want to work for equality and level the playing field, and create new laws to protect the people, and make sure these laws are enforced and that current laws are enforced, and figure out a way to do this.

And, like I said, if I can't do it in this country, I'm happy to go elsewhere. I am interested in humanitarian things, here or abroad. People are people everywhere. It's just that I live here, and was born here, and unless one feels it's time to move on, I believe in making a difference where you're at--to bloom where you're planted or where one decides to plant themself.

On another note. I am wondering if it might be cool to live with a gay guy roommate. Where I'm housesitting, I'm noticing all these cools magazines and journals: NYT, Time, Radar, Vanity Fair, and paris runway stuff.

Well, as for sex at the pharmacy...You can always move to D.C. where there is plenty of NSA sex to go around. I found out, last night, that while I could easily get it whenever I want it, and while I met a very cool guy, I didn't even want to kiss him. I may have a high sex drive, but I'm tired of the idea of casual stuff here. It's very non-commital and I'm in a relationship mode. I can wait. Why not just make out? I asked myself. I mean, really, why not? But I just didn't feel like it. Why kiss yet another face? I was buzzed from the Chardonnay, but I realized I have a lot of things going on and I need time and space to figure my life out. I'm not saying I won't change my mind in the near future, but I was fairly resolute last night. And this guy was good-looking, fun, and smart. Another 24 year old too, with a runner's body. Not bad at ALL. But it was just me.

I have a hearing today but something is suddenly wrong with my phone. I discovered it last night when I tried to call my son. The other end I could hear, but they couldn't hear me at all. I tried this morning and same thing. I checked to see if I was on hold or not but I wasn't. I don't know what was wrong. So I have to get my phone fixed before the teleconference today.

It's a big hearing, and I hope Judge Hotchkiss will understand why I'm not there and that I want to be there. I know he said no more continuances, but I tried to make it over there, and sought the assistance of the department, to no avail. If I had just a little more time, I might even have enough money to pay for the whole thing myself. But as it is, I haven't even received an audio copy of the last hearing where I was hung up on--the hearing for preliminary fact finding, which was a big hearing. So I don't know. Perhaps the department will graciously extend one more week to allow for time to pay for a ticket, or the judge will order them to pay, as they told me in the past they were obligated to pay. I went by what they told me and then they backed out last minute. Not fair to me OR my son.

If I get my phone fixed and have time, I'll continue with my TTSOML posts. There is way more. After the Willamette Week defamation, it just got worse. You've no idea...

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