Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Exploitation By Wenatchee Orchardists And My Fucking Family

I just took my phone to Radio Shack and it's working now. So I called my aunt, and she informed me, that my son is being thrown into daycare this morning. My aunt told me she's going back to work.

This is the first I heard of it. They knew what they were planning, and didn't consult me about it at ALL. They didn't ask my opinion, ask what I thought of it, or let me know anything about this. I know my son, and I know this is going to be a blow to him, and will only confuse him more, when he already has major trauma from being separated from his mother. My own family knows I've never wanted him in daycare. Supposedly, CPS claimed they couldn't transfer my son to be closer to his mother, when I lived in Whatcom county, because they didn't want him to have to adjust to another family. What's happening now? He is being thrown out into daycare, with another family.

I called my mother, who is a living bitch, and actually seems happier the more I call her out publicly on her shit, because she thinks she can blow me off, and tells me she's known all about this. My mother and my aunt are best friends. My own mother knew my son was getting thrown into daycare, and I'm sure Wenatchee CPS has known about this all along, and yet NOT ONE person even informed me.

I have been kept outside of the loop of my son's life. Purposefully, willfully, and wrongfully.

My mother made some lame excuse, saying I should just move to Wenatchee. I've already told her I can't move there. I cannot get medical care there and she said that was "in the past" and that I didn't need it now. How would the bitch know, when she hasn't talked to me for months? They read my blog, and assume everything I say isn't true, just as they assumed a monk was never in love with me until I had letters to prove it. They didn't even believe I and my female roommates were held hostage until a police officer got on the phone and talked to them and their response after that was to ask if I was coming to the BBQ later. I asked them to come over for support, and they said they didn't want to drive a half hour, and wasn't I coming over to the BBQ later that day anyway? Big deal. Their daughter gets held fucking hostage and it's like water off their backs. Just another day in the neighborhood, I guess. What's crazy, is they lived in Wilsonville, on acreage, with a barn and horses, in a horse-part of the country, with nice houses and property and professional neighbors. They had a private pond, and nice cars, and other machinery, and my mother collects antiques, and here they are, no big deal that their daughter is held hostage. Just like no big deal when their daughter's son is taken away. Just like no big deal when their daughter has medical problems which are not fucking mental, and grounds to sue for medical malpractice, and my mother is saying, "that's in the past." No, it's not in the fucking past, and I live with pain and my injuries every single day. I cannot sit or take jobs where I'm required to sit long, because of these injuries. I cannot control certain body functions because of my injuries. I have very serious injuries which need surgery and diagnostics, and my mother thinks I can go back to Wenatchee, and live in a town where she knows I couldn't even get a fucking X-ray for a broken tailbone, when it was covered by insurance. She knows my grandparents had to pay for me to go all the way out of town because none of the doctors or clinics would even give me an X-ray which later proved I did have a broken tailbone and pelvis.

She thinks I can live in a town like this? That tried to force me and my son OUT, with CPS telling me they'd pay for a one-way bus ticket for my son and I to LEAVE THE STATE.

I am not paranoid. I trust people where I am at now, but I trust NO ONE in that town. I do not have any friends in Wenatchee, or support, and I frankly despise and loathe the sort of people I had to be around there. The hispanic neighborhood was the only reprieve. I would not be able to find a job there and I would be so miserable I WOULD consider suicide if I had to live in that fucking town with the bigoted and good-old-boys people that live there. Wenatchee is full of backwards degenerates and semi-professionals who want to be the "big fish in a small pond". It's a terrible place and neither I nor my son should be there.

I have zero job opportunities there, and nothing would pay as well as I'm paid in D.C. I also cannot go to college there, or finish my degree, and my mother thinks she can argue this point with no knowledge whatsoever of my circumstances. She said to me, "WHY can't you go to college in Wenatchee?" My mother, who has only a 12 grade high school education, thinks she knows so much about higher education. She thinks I can finish my B.A. at Wenatchee's community college, when I already have all my lower level credits. She thinks I can take courses from another college, which has correspondence or a station or whatever in Wenatchee, when it doesn't even OFFER degrees in English Lit and only in things like Education and Business. My degree is in fucking English Literature and Science. I have less than 30 credits to finish my degree, and it is not even possible to do it in Wenatchee.

And where would I live? Wenatchee is a pit, and it is no surprise to me now that my mothers side of the family didn't have the good sense to leave. The Bairds stayed because they fit in perfectly. They are old town orchardists who used cheap labor from Mexico to cheat the government, and who tell their employees to drink the same water they refuse to drink; they go to church with holy-rollers and think they can roll me around too; they cover up sexual crimes against children, just like the Cahtolic church, claiming it's just a "sin" which should be forgiven and maybe the offender will become a "christian" and be redeemed--but then they sit by as they cover up the assault my uncle made against me, and allow ME to be thrown in jail when my uncle tells the police and tries to persuade my grandmother who has Alzheimers, to say I assaulted my own fucking grandmother, who I looked after better than anyone in her own family, when she almost died because no one was listening to her when she said she was in severe pain after she broke her back. Who called the ambulance on behalf of my grandmother? I did. Because no one else in the family noticed her mouth was dry and she was smacking her lips and couldn't get out of her chair. No one in my fucking multi-millionaire-greedy-stingy family wanted to PAY for the cost of an ambulance. Which was partly why I dropped out of college when I did, because no one else was looking after her.

THAT's MY FAMILY and they have the audacity to conceal what is going on with my son, and to tell ME to be a good mother. They know I'm a good mother. They don't want me to go to Wenatchee to be a "good mother". They want me to go to Wenatchee because they want to have their feelers on me, and to keep their grip on my son, to ensure my son is going to heaven. They will go along with the state, because I've offended them by exposing their shit after they backed out on their oath to pay for a private attorney for me to get my son back. My own family lies and goes back on their word, and none of them is affectionate or has a parenting style that is halfway comparable to mine.

They are insensitive to others but clannish with eachother, as long as there is inheritance money to be got, and certain family members to please. I fucking with my grandfather would die already, or that the inheritance money issue was over with. You wonder why I hate money, and it's because I have to see what money does to ignorant, uneducated, greedy business owners.

And that's what Wenatchee was built on. Orchardists who broke the laws and who, because they were supporting the larger economy and were considered to be middle to upper class, were never held accountable for their exploitation of their workers.

Now, Wenatchee likes to claim they "give back" by giving "free medical care" to hispanics and immigrants, who don't even have papers with them. After decades of rolling money off the backs of the Mexicans, who picked fruit until their fingers bled, they think they can pacify them with a little free healthcare, and offer free vasectomies with a hand-out of $100 free cash! to make the offer of sterilization more appealing. They'll give vaccinations to their babies so the immigrants' kids don't infect their children, and sterilize all the fucking Mexicans in the process, to bring the costs down. Then they'll put some of the sons in the local jail, for trying to make a few extra bucks on the side in a desperate attempt to get something else out of the system besides shame and prejudice and discrimination. Meanwhile, the doctor's kids walk around in braces, with nice white teeth, as the kids of the immigrant workers walk around with rotting teeth, in pain. It's a semblance of "charity". As long as the immigrants THINK they're doing all right, and that they don't deserve more and are not being exploited for their cheap labor, everyone will just shut the FUCK UP and keep the peace.

Decades of government and police complicity in letting the abuse slide has created a climate in Wenatchee of protectiveness. It's generational, and they will protect their own. They will do ANYTHING to keep what they have and keep the status quo, and they will harass you and have their buddies in law enforcement, or within the medical field, or CPS, put you in your place. If that doesn't work, they'll try to force you out, if you speak too loudly. They sent parents to jail on faulty investigations and hysteria, who still lost their children and didn't get them back even after the Justice Project proved them innocent.

Judge Hotchkiss would like me to go back to Wenatchee and get set up with a nice little shifty psychologist with their own insurmountable issues and wish to please the town, and declare me unfit or in need of meds, and try to claim that HIS COURT and his justice system is just about perfect. He's not a traditional judge, he likes to tell himself. He's a BAD BOSS.

He rides a motorcycle, so that must mean he's "cool". So cool, he can joke around with CPS workers as he hangs up on a mother after telling her she has to go pro se, because he wants to defend the lousy PDs in the town whom he worked with in a private law firm prior to becoming judge.

Real nice town.

Boy OH BOY do I think it's a good idea to go back.

Get my son the FUCK out of there.

As for my family, no "medication" or "counseling" is going to "cure" the problems they have, which have been harmful to both me and my son. They are are bunch of fucking nuts who fit in perfectly with the Wenatchee status quo nuts, and both parties want to come out of this appearing "normal".

I'm the problem, not this town. Supposedly, I don't even have fucking injuries that hurt still, everyday. What the fuck?! I guess I the fortune teller healed me and I still don't know about it but everyone in Wenatchee believes it.

These people live in a fucking orchard fairytale and have eaten too many poisoned apples.

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