Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Son Is Thrown Into Daycare Without My Consent

I wanted to repeat, my son was thrown into daycare, and decisions are being made, which I, as his mother know are harmful to him, without my knowledge, without consultation of my opinions and values, and without my consent.

If CPS is going to argue this is legal because I lost my parental right to have a say at the Contested Sheltercare and Preliminary Fact Finding hearing, where I was hung up on and not allowed to defend myself, and where no one else defended me or my rights, I am filing a lawsuit against the state and against Judge Hotchkiss.

In fact, I am contacting every lawyer I know in D.C. at this point, to get to the right one who will help me. And I am filing the fucking complaints with not just the Washington Bar, but the American Bar, and I walked by this organization more than once in the last week.

I am also contacting the ADA people I've met, to find out who I need to go to, and I am entering the medical study that the scientists wanted to do for me at NIH.

Wenatchee AG, you are going to have your fucking hands full.

I am also getting the FOIA from the FBI and I am considering media contacts again. I have met more than one journalist, and while I may not want to have a story written quite yet, I am going to work to give them whatever they need to expose this town for the shit it is and what it's done to people.

This is not in the fucking "past". I am also contacting those P.I. brain injury attorneys who want my and my son's medical malpractice case.

You fucking bastards. You screw with my son? All I needed, was to get mad enough. You should have talked to the Abbey lawyers first, to find out what kind of response you'll get from pissing me off. You will get a fucking lawsuit.

As for Abbey lawyers, I saw John Kaempf, attorney for the Abbey in Portland, Oregon, at the offices of the law firm for the medical clinic and hospital I planned to sue. More than once.

I wonder how they developed their strategy without the help of the Catholic church?

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