Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why Wenatchee Is The Way It Is

I was thinking, after walking all the way to the cafe to set up my laptop and then realizing I'd left the cord at the house, and taking a cab all the way back to the house and then back to the cafe...Anyway, I was thinking, I think I wrote something about how my family and Wenatchee orchardists "cheated the government". I don'ty think that's very accurate. I think the government knew all along and did nothing about it, and still does nothing about it.

They crack down on the immigrants when they think the immigrants are using too many services, and punish THEM instead of the American business owners that hire and exploit them.

Many of the old orchardists have torn out their trees to plant vineyards. Machines are beginning to replace workers. But the inequity has always been there.

At any rate, it is what people in Wenatchee have gotten away with, for years, that has led to their inbred, ingrown, and protective mentality. They try to push anyone out who calls them to task, or who might want to start a business that could challenge theirs. They break rules all the time, including HIPPA rules and laws, and basic investigative rules, and CPS rules, and court procedure rules, and rules of every sort because for almost 100 years, they have been breaking tax rules and laws and immigration rules and laws, and are used to exploitation and getting rich on their terms. Why would they start following the law now?

As for vasectomies, I don't know know for sure about $100 cash bonuses, but the4re was something in the advertisements in the clinic along these lines. And the vasectomies were something dirt cheap--like, $50 vasectomies. Gotta control the immigrant population.

Basically, the way hispanic immigrants have been treated isn't much different from the way African Americans have been treated. I mean, maybe the hispanics are not exactly "slaves" but what kinds of options do they have, really? And who is profiting from their back-breaking labor?

I believe what has set Wenatchee up to be unique in their "we don't care about justice" style, is the history that underscores the town. Judge Hotchkiss will do whatever he wants and screw up due process, and so will CPS because no one touches people in that town. They've had it made for some time. When innocent people were thrown in jail for alleged sex crimes against children, not even The Wenatchee World investigated. It took someone from the outside. And the mentality is still the same. They still make their own laws in that town and try to twist everyone else around to their ways.

Wenatchee was once the "Apple Capital of the World".

Don't tell me the government didn't let a few things "slide" while the apple capital was making money of the backs of the immigrants. Now Wenatchee has turned into the Judicial Disgrace Of The State.

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