Sunday, August 31, 2008

Diana, My Kindred Spirit

I am becoming somewhat fascinated by Diana, Princess of Wales. This has come late in life, as I was never interested in her for her celebrity before. I've become interested late, because of my own life I think. Obviously, I'm no princess, but there are some commonalities at the most basic levels, regardless of position and class, and I can relate. It's almost uncanny. As I've read more I've found there are some similiar basic background things.

I am second born. My parent's first child was a boy, who died a few days after birth.
I've always had family issues and not gotten along well with my mother.
I wanted to be a ballerina when I was younger, but my family didn't support it and asked me to take up piano instead.
I've been put on a pedestal and had my naivitee crushed. I've felt suppressed by family and society and the basic role of women and expectations.
I really enjoy people.
I worked with children primarily before having my own son.
I gave my son a nickname of little bear, or bear, and found wombat is also a nickname for a "bear"
I have tested the same in personality analysis through Meyers-Briggs. INFP first in life and then changed over to an ENTP. I've always been almost 100% "N" and borderline E-I. Somewhat borderline F-T but more T now, and I've always been strongly "P".
I have always loved the water and water sports in particular.
I believe it is more of an "embarrassment" to be uncharitable than to be undignified.
I can laugh and make others laugh in the middle of my own adversity.
I am strongest and step up to the plate as a general, but only in sudden emergencies.
I am creative and very smart, but taken for being airheaded or less intelligent, at first glance, than is true.
I've been harassed and pushed to the edge and had others try to blame me for their problems.
I've been slandered as mentally ill. I've had others try to push me towards the brink, to justify their conclusions and discredit me.
I've been considered a threat and a danger to some in very high positions of power and authority.
I love to dance.
My son is my life, and who I consider to be my "family", and yet I've had others try to use my son and keep him from me, and attempt to alienate his affections from me, for their own ends.
I'm an affectionate and hands-on mother.
I used to read my mothers trashy romance novels, Harlequin romances, when I was a little girl (which probably disillusioned me about romance from an early age) ha!
I've had people manufacture untruths about me and been defamed.
I've had a suicide attempt after being harassed by others for years.
I've felt completely alone and isolated from the support of family and yet found the most random kindnesses from strangers, new friends, and acquaintances.
I've known when I'm being followed or am under surveillance and known it is not "delusion".
I became involved with clergy of the Roman Catholic Church and considered, seriously, conversion.
My role model was Mother Theresa.

I believe Diana was highly intuitive and picked up on something prior to her death. I do not believe her death was an accident, given all of the things I've gone through myself and the extent to which I know people can cover things up. Hatred, for whatever reason, leads to terrible things. I believe in Diana and what she's said because I can empathize and relate a little bit. This woman was extraordinarily intelligent but this was almost entirely disparaged by the media. Her grades in school didn't reflect her intelligence, creativity, intuition, or wit. She was probably just always more interested in socializing than studying, which isn't a reflection of intelligence but of boredom. She also had a lot of energy and needed to be active and expressed her intelligence in action.

At any rate, I know millions of women relate to her. I just find her to be a little bit of a kindred spirit, even late, even in passing I guess. Hmmm. Kindred "spirit". That said, I'll have to read the next Morton book. Because I'm curious about what she did next, even as I contemplate my own moves.

And I really do need to finish the TTSOML posts but I'm too strtessed lately. I'll try to write more later today after I read a little bit. I left off with the lawyer for the Archdiocese setting up a meeting for me, or trying to, with the Portland Archdiocese. So I need to continue. A lot of things happened after that. It's truly incredible.

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