Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Son Is At "Bible Camp"--Violation Of Religious Beliefs

I called my grandmother who told me she called my parents and my mother told her the reason no one is answering is because my son is at a BIBLE CAMP.

They were answering the phone this morning, and supposedly I was to call when my aunt was "there" and my son was at the house at 8 a.m., according to Dahlia, who was at the house.

Now I'm being told my son is at a BIBLE CAMP and cannot be reached. No one told me they were taking my son to a BIBLE CAMP and no one gave me a number where he could be reached, when they knew ahead of time I wouldn't be able to contact them.

At this point, this is absolutely and completely against my religious wishes. I do NOT want my son at a fucking BIBLE CAMP with my aunt or her family.

They have disregarded my son's needs, probably assuming his traumatic response to what they've done to him can be "healed" at Bible Camp, where he will only be frightened and wonder where his mother is.

I do not want my son raised as a fanatic charismatic fundamentalist and this is absolutely contrary to my own religious and spiritual beliefs. This is violation of the right to religious freedom, and my right to parent as I believe is appropriate. It is also a gross railroading and abuse of due process that any Contested Sheltercare was won to begin with, without anyone defending ME or, by proxy, my SON'S rights.

This is a prime example of how religious fanaticism is used to replace the extraordinary love and attentions and care of a mother who put her son and his needs first, who refused to put religion and superstition and hysteria over his needs.

No one gave me any notice my son was going to be at a Bible Camp and couldn't be reached.

This will only be further fuel to the fire when I file a lawsuit, and any counseling records can also be used against those medical professionals who have put my son in this position, whom I still have grounds for medical malpractice against.

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