Monday, August 25, 2008

Judge Hotchkiss: Not Going To Fact Finding--Going To Appeal

I'm starting to think I won't be going to the fact finding hearing on the 27th.

For one thing, I have no one to advise me. I asked for a public defender and have been refused one who does even reasonable work. The guarantee is not just for "public defense" but "reasonable public defense". I can easily argue my case has become prejudiced because of faulty public defense.

Then I was hung up on by the judge, in a hearing that had to do with important matters, after being told I had to go pro se. No one could defend me or my case. Not even myself. I have asked for the audio for that hearing and I was refused, told by Douglas County, when I called, that I would have to PAY for a copy. I didn't ask for a transcript. Just the audio. If I had a public defender, my defender would be getting these materials.

As it is, I have nothing to go off of. I'm also not a lawyer, and have had to work overtime and haven't had a chance to collect all the evidence which is necessary for my defense.

I get blamed by Wenatchee CPS for going to Washington D.C. and yet they fail to remind themselves that every action I've taken since they took my son, has been a RESPONSE and necessary action, to what THEY DID. If they had not taken my son, I wouldn't have been moving around. I wouldn't be scrambling for work either, or for a lawyer, because I would have been focusing on getting myself established in Canada and with my and my son's medical care there, which is what I had been doing.

I couldn't GET the help my son and I needed in Washington state, so I was forced to move. Wenatchee CPS seems to forget that THEY themselves tried to force me and my son out of the state by offering us a one-way bus pass out of the state after the first complaint by ER doctors, who asked for the same. My son and I couldn't get medical care in Wenatchee either, which we needed, and which was therefore another way of forcing us out.

All of a sudden, the lions want me back in the den. Hmmm. I wonder why.

Why should I have any FAITH at ALL, in their system, when I don't even KNOW what was said about me and decided, in the last hearing where I was hung up on by the judge? If they all want to claim I'm so mentally ill and crazy, what assurance do I have that I will not be court ordered to a psych ward, against my will, for evaluation, just so the judge can claim whatever he wants, to fit his own needs?

I have the state claiming I shouldn't even have telephone visitation with my son.

How am I supposed to argue my own defense without any character witnesses, or any knowledge of what has been said about me? Obviously, if the judge hung up on me, he thinks I'm disposable. He refused to give me another public defender too, and wouldn't take me seriously on the few motions and requests I did file.

Not only that, the department is supposed to pay for my transportation and lodging for going to and from hearings. It doesn't matter that I'm in D.C. The fact that I had to go where the opportunities are best for me isn't something for them to complain about. They put me in this position to begin with and this is THEIR game, not mine. Which is why the department is required to pay. Yet they refuse and I don't have a public defender making the necessary argument to get this done.

I also don't have a public defender writing the motions for reinstating visitation with my son.

I don't have enough money to both support myself and fly to a hearing where I would be a lone ranger among wolves.

Not only would they win, because I have nothing with me to defend myself with as I've had to work because I'm too DAMN AFRAID of the state to go on any kind of public assistance, for any reason ever again, after what they've done, I have no one backing me up.

My family is a bunch of religious crackpots who don't return my calls even when I do call, and I don't care to have anything to do with any of them. As for the way my son is being raised, it's a shame and he should be with me. He went from the best possible parenting to a totally different kind of parenting style and it's traumatized him.

I would be flying to Wenatchee, without a public defender or lawyer, and be eaten alive. And maybe even thrown into a psych ward against my will. It doesn't even matter that I'm working successfully in D.C. now, I have already seen the shit this town tries to pull, and they would do whatever they want to do and abuse their authority to get what they want.

I am still "indigent" and I still have a right to public defense. I have a right to legal audio tapes from hearings I was hung up on, and for all discovery from the state, which I've not received. I don't have one SHRED of discovery from the state, so how am I supposed to possibly defend myself and know what I'm up against?

I don't even have a guarantee of seeing my son, even after I specifically requested this.

Therefore, it seems when I'm denied a jury outright as this is no "right" to a parent, and then denied a public defender which IS a right...It seems my best option is to take this whole thing, when it goes down on the 27th, to appeal.

I have been put at the very worst possible disadvantage and I am literally AFRAID to go back to Wenatchee without legal representation. I can very easily prove reasons why I should BE afraid.

I may be brave most of the time, but I'm not stupid. And stupid is as stupid does, to quote Forest Gump. I think it would be stupid, actually, to go to Wenatchee without protection or someone backing me up.

I cannot think of one GOOD and fair thing Wenatchee has done for either me or my son.

And I'm not done writing about what has really been happening to me and my son, in my TTSOML posts.

Not only that, I have asked the FBI offices for FOIA from my complaint against their employees, several times, and did for over a year before I started getting profiled by police all the time, and then accused of being "drug-seeking" when I wasn't, and when one of their own agents was the one asking ME for some "reefer".

I think I could put up a better defense, in my defense against claims that I am or was ever "delusional" with some of the FOIA from the fucking FBI.

So where is it?

Do I have to call Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza to the stand, in my defense, to prove the Wenatchee ER doctors don't know shit about who I've known and what I was put through? All this "mentally ill" crap started, in my medical records, after the FBI shit. Before that, my medical records were clean, which is what someone already knew when my medical record disappeared from my house a year earlier when I still lived in Oregon.

I still want diagnostics for the radiation/electromagnetic crap too. If it can be tested, I will test positive for it. I told my date, who specialized in satellite and MRI technology, using electromagnetic waves, about my son's and my symptoms, and he was FREAKING out. He knew what I was saying was possible, and true, and yet kept shaking his head, saying he knew that happened in his former country of Iran but didn't know it happened in the U.S. He assumed U.S. because he said only government or someone in the government would have access to the kind of technology needed to do what had been done to me and my son. I told him how my nails and my sons nails and toenails were even warped from it and then grew out normal after we were removed from the location, and he was sweating. He knows what happens, because he and his team are currently testing the effects of MRI beams and overexposure, on pigs. All kinds of things happen. Twitching is just the beginning.

When Judge Hotchkiss decides to kiss my ass, I'll start kissing his. Hey Judge, in the meantime, why don't you beef up on your old 60s civil rights sentiments and read something for me? Pretty please? Read Howard Zinn's The Zinn Reader, and please make note of chapter 2 in Part 4, about civil obedience.

You pretty much made up your own rules when you denied me a lawyer and then told me to fuck myself when you hung up on me. It's just too bad that YOUR form of disobedience is actually something called "bullying" and "abuse of authority".

You give me one good reason why I should be at the hearing for fact finding, when you have refused me a lawyer, discovery, any and all audio of hearings, and due process.

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