Monday, August 25, 2008

Note To FBI: Where Is My Fucking FOIA

Now that I'm in D.C., I guess I'll have to make a trip at some point to the lovely FBI headquarters and start filling out FOIAs again, in duplicate.

Not only have I not received my FOIA from the FBI, I never got it from Wenatchee CPS and I asked for EVERYTHING within the department in the state of Washington.

I also have some lawyers telling me I should be getting the FOIA from my NCIC, Canada if possible, and the police in Washington and Oregon state, because of the crap I've been through.

I'd like to know exactly how the FBI slammed and smeared me before things started to get really ugly for me and my son.

I want the FUCKING FOIA.

And I will fucking supeona Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza's ASSES.

I can't wait until I get to the part in my TTSOML posts about the crap they pulled and all their "we infiltrate the Mexican mafia" talk (which the FBI quickly tried to persuade me wasn't true). And then the best part, about how Sgt. Rich Austria, with the Portland police, did a major cover up job on behalf of the Portland FBI when I went forward to him to press charges for sexual assault.

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