Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Son Cut Off From Talking To Me & Pay Day

Last night I called to talk to my son and my aunt told me she had made it clear to CPS in Wenatchee that she and her husband would like to adopt my son if I lost my parental rights.

Of course, CPS has never had an interest in my parental rights from Day One, and having their narrow view that a "proper family" should consist of a father and mother, they have done everything they can to break the bond and disturb the visitation rights of my son to see his mother.

Basically, my "family" has never been on my side. Period. This is not because they don't think I'm a good mother. They know and admit they think I am. Their entire angle is that they are more concerned about whether my son goes to "heaven" or "hell" and think that since I don't go to church or conform to their standards of christianity, my son is in danger of going to "hell" if he is raised by me. Therefore, in their fundamentalist view, it is better if THEY raise my son, and "save" him for all eternity, if comes down to it, than support my getting him back. They care about the "afterlife" for "all eternity" more than the life NOW, and the fact that my son was wrongfully removed from a loving home and my care.

So, zero support from my own family, because they think my "swearing" must mean I'm going to hell now, and/or is the result of brain trauma from an old accident, now coming to surface. They simply cannot accept the idea that people have free will, and their daughter chooses not to go to church. If that, in and of itself, cannot be "medicated" or "cured", then they would feel I lose my right to parent my son, because I'm not willing "to meet his spiritual needs" which they are in no position to judge anyway.

My aunt has never had a problem yelling at me or being rude to me over the phone, within earshot of my son. This has always been disturbing to me. She doesn't consider how he understands everything and becomes anxious.

Last night, after she yelled at me, and I yelled back, she attempted to cut off my talk time with my son.

I called back, because she was condescending and I didn't want my son to hear everything, and Pablo, her husband, answered the phone. Holly tried to say my son couldn't talk to me and was getting ready for bed, but it was early. I heard him in the background and he sounded upset. So I asked Pablo to please let me talk to him and he said okay. First he said my son had an appointment in the morning. I asked what kind and he said it didn't matter, because they were taking care of him. I said I was Oliver's mother and I cared to know. At first, my son was screaming and obviously upset, but I talked to him and told him everything was okay, and that anything he heard between me and my aunt was all over and everything was fine. I told him it wasn't his fault, and no one was mad at him and he was a good boy, and that we loved him and mama was okay too. Then he just started jabbering up a storm, talking animatedly to me over the phone. I heard my aunt in the background try to tell him to say "bye" to me and he would but it was clear he wanted to keep talking to me, and did, and just was going on and on, doing most of the talking, with a few of my interjections. My son needed to talk to me and wanted to. Then all of a sudden, I hear Pablo say in the distance:

(I wrote it down when I got off the phone) "What are you DOING?! He is talking to his MOTHER!" and then the phone was cut off and went dead. My aunt had obviously pressed the button to disconnect my son from me, after about 5 minutes. And as even her husband could see, my son was trying to talk to me, and wanted to talk to me.

I had some people recently point me towards lawyers who could help me with an appeal if I lose fact finding. I should be able to appeal everything and things that have already happened even. And, I'm told, I have some pretty good grounds for a lawsuit against the department already, and maybe some others. I made my first legal contacts last night. I didn't want to "use" anyone over here, but yesterday, I started to cry at work, when a few were asking what was going on, and I recovered myself, but they said they'd like to help and that outside of my workplace, they knew some people, lawyers, who might be able to help me.

I already tried to get help in Washington state and there was no one who would assist, Most of the volunteer legal organizations are Catholic, to boot. Gonzaga is about the only law school in the area, and most of the departments legal staff have come from this college, which is Catholic. At least if they're local. I just never had any luck. I tried already, in Washington, and had no luck, which is partly why I had to move. D.C. is a very Catholic town, or Maryland is, but there is more diversity and some of the Catholics even, are a little more open-minded. My last two romantic interests, and I was involved with them, were baptized Catholic.

At any rate, I found I already have grounds for appeal, and over here, people can help me with that.

In the meantime, I cannot count on my own "family" for any kind of support whatsoever. They are pretty much dead to me, and will be absolutely cut off and out of my life and my son's life, after he back with me. They have no control or say over that, and their fanaticism and impractical and insenstive form of christianity is something I don't want my son around. I have had to do everything myself, and no one in my family offered help or support. Partly because half of them are greedier than hell and obsessed with their own financial gain. My parents are some of the stingiest people I know, and they have money besides. They're just stingy. Aside from that, they're illogical religious-nuts.

I've got a judge hanging up on me in hearings, and an aunt trying to cut off my son from talking to me over the phone.

They will work together to deprive me of my son and try to arrange things to make themselves appear better than they are. None of them cares about the best interests of my son. They would tear my son in two before giving him back to me, and already have.

I am the real mother. The parable of Solomon is one which underlines the actions and therefore, the heart of a true mother. I have done everything I can to protect my son, and I've gone to great lengths to do what is best for him and for our future. No one else can say the same. No one.

Frankly, the hispanic community, even the part of the family which is hispanic and married into the "Bairds" on my mother's side, has been more supportive of me than my own biological blood family. Pablo would stand up for me and my parental rights before Holly would. My son's father, who is Mexican, supports me and would stand up for me, and all his friends would too. They know a child should be with his mother, and know I am a good mother.

In return for the goodness I've received from certain people and groups, I would do everything in my power, as a lawyer, in the future, to protect the rights of minorities (of all races and backgrounds and diversities and disabilities) and the poor, from the kind of abuse I've had to put up with. Someone asked me why I wanted to stay in D.C. and it's because I have opportunities here to get to where I need to be. I can make a difference and I am confident in my abilities. I don't think I'd be the most popular with judges, but give me a jury. Give me any jury, and a license to practice the law, and I will lay it out straight and start fixing some things.

Give me a jury.

The reason why my enemies have gotten away with so much is because they've found ways to go after me, within the system, and deprive me of a jury at the same time. They know it's more difficult to influence a jury than a judge, to their side.

I have already been able to terrify my opponents, and worry them to the degree they acted in extremes. I have pushed their buttons and threatened them with my courage and ability to communicate. But I've never been given power to influence a jury, and there is going to be payback. For every time a corporation or organization tried to push me down, I got back up, and next time, it's not going to be just me getting back up. There will be an army of soldiers. That's how I see my people. And I KNOW who my "people" are.

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