Saturday, August 30, 2008

Music Today

I'm listening to Indigo Girls' Romeo & Juliet song again. Over and over. Moving onto Def Leppard again. Love "Pour Some Sugar On Me". Onto Warrant's "Cherry Pie" and then next, I plan to listen to AC/DCs "You Shook Me All Night Long". Then maybe more Def Leppard.

Oh oops, I skipped AC/DCs song to Cake's "Short Skirt/Long Jacket". This is hilarious. I just watched the YouTube video and the one submitted is from bmg, however, it's overlaid with interviews from people passing by, who are asked what they think of the song. So I don't know if that's the real video or not, but it's really funny.

I have officially had the worst Chinese food in D.C., complete with watery sweet & sour sauce with floating thin carrots and pickles for the veggies in the sauce. I've had really good Chinese here and will have to get that number again.

I'm trying to get into the mood for writing a TTSOML post.

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