Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Nightcap and Morning After

I rounded out my night, after blogging last night, dancing at a dive. It was actually very good. I was so relieved. I stepped out, wanting to dance, at about 1:30 p.m. and went to a place nearby. It was packed. I was overdressed, in a dress. Someone paid me a compliment about my dress. They were drunk already so I didn't think they'd mind when I said, "I'm a little overdressed I think, but I'm not wearing a bra, so that's sort of underdressed, right?" They laughed.

I finally found a good dancing dive. I liked the music at this other place but there weren't a lot of people when I was there so I'll have to check it out again, later. The other place reminded me of a dive in Portland, Oregon that I used to go to. Not as much alchohol sloshed on the floor though, and not as much techno-electronica. A couple of guys kept trying to dirty dance with me and I was trying to dance on my own, and some big guys stepped in and blocked the ones who were all over. It was nice. There was a woman there, with her friend, who embodied the dancing spirit. I couldn't even see her face because it was covered with her long bangs and hair and glasses. They were there purely for dance and music and good times. Then there was an attempt to form a breakdance circle and this guy who had been protecting me by blocking guys off so I could dance, leaned in and said, "This is like Fight Club gone wrong." I laughed so hard, because it was the truth. I had just said to him, "Wow. I don't know what to think. I think this is supposed to be breakdancing, but I've seen breakdancing in Portland before and it didn't look like this."

These two guys were circling eachother and then falling on the ground, in their socks, and attempted some sad drunken breakdance and then this little jousting quick footwork, like when you're doing warm-ups for football and moving your feet as fast as you can so you're going sideways. My bodyguard kept saying stuff that cracked me up, because it was so true.

So I danced until closing, and someone else took over to make sure no one macked on me, (because the bodyguard left after inviting me to a live music thing coming up) and then walked home, and talked to a guy whom, I just discovered, is a political writer and a short story writer as well. We talked until I was tired and went to bed.

This morning I got up early, had coffee, and talked to a mom of an 18 month old who used to work on the Hill and does consultant work now. She works PT and used to work on the Clinton campaign as well. Hopefully I'll run into her again and we'll talk politics. She told me about some good areas for kids in D.C. and things to do.

I went to Target and bought my son some things I couldn't afford before. I bought him flashing lights shoes, some rubber boots we'd tried on and he liked last Winter/Spring, a Parent's Choice toy (Animal Hospital with keys to unlock different kinds of locks and animals and doctor stuff), a CD with his favorite Winnie-the-Pooh song on it and other Disney songs, and I bought some children's cod liver oil for him, which I believe in, and gave him regularly when he was in my care. My aunt gives him these gummies with vitamins which are crap. Children are not best served getting vitamins in gummies. They should get their nutrients through real food. Cod liver oil is one supplement that makes sense though, and I get the expensive distilled kind without contaminants. I also got my son a Pooh stuffed animal that talks.

He really needs more toys with machinery and lights and stuff. He likes to watch how things happen and is very curious about machinery and bells and whistles.

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