Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A BIG Box From Wenatchee CPS

I find this very interesting.

After CPS from Wenatchee, and the state, fails to deliver even ONE letter or box or envelope of discovery materials prior to the fact finding trial, or any trial at all, and after they refuse to mail this information to me so I can file it with an appeal...

I suddenly get a call from my former roommate, who tells me "there's a BIG box from CPS" for me at the house.

They were never able to deliver ANYTHING before, but NOW, as of today, they manage to get something to me? I believe it's now past the technical statute of limitations to file an appeal, but if I cannot argue refusal of public defense/representation and medical reasons for being unable to file a timely appeal, I will take it to civil court for the breach of several things.

I still have some lawyer contacts here, and journalism contacts, I have just been too dehabilitated by the stress to make use of it and haven't been able to do it on my own "pro se" as I was forced to be, against my own will.

I will have to let eveyrone know what is in this box that I suddenly received, a dollar short and day late.

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