Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Drinks With Cato Weapons Man

I met someone last night, who tried to get me to sleep with him in the hour and a half he had before a "dinner meeting". Works for Cato and weapons policy stuff.

Said terrorists, at least one of them, was drawing pictures of Princess Diana at the trials for 9/11. Said Mossad was formed after Jews were trying to get into Britain without luck, and had to manufacture underground railroads and identifications to get in after they were cut off. Said he was libertarian or working for such and yet didn't want me to be picking up and reading documents left on his desk, which were about how to get a General's authority to be taken over a President's authority. Which sort of seems to conflict with his "I'm against war" statement to me. I mean, why read stuff like this? He didn't want me to see it, and took something else out of my hand, and then had notes on bureacracy which he allowed me to flip through.

Okay, and then he's thinking after a couple of drinks, I'm just going to sleep with him or make out with him. I went with him to his place, out of curiousity, and found interesting books there, and stuff about Dartmouth (when he said he went to a different college?).

I said no to even kissing him and said I didn't know him. Or who he was. He persisted. I was drunk and this guy totally knew it. I mean, come on. But I kissed him anyway and then I drew the line. He didn't push, but what really got him to back off, when he asked why I wasn't interested, was when I said:

"I think I have a crush on Prince Harry and Prince William."

He said, pulling away, "Now I'm turned off."

(Gee...It worked! I'll have to use that one again in the future!)

I was trying to conceal my smirk as I was leaving. He had given me his business card and I left it on his coffee table.

He was someone who sat down across from me after I published my posts of yesterday. I hadn't seen him before. Oh, and he said weapons, or land mines, were still actively manufactured and used and purchased.

Haha! I looked him up. He IS from Dartmouth. He told me he was from MIT and I said I didn't think they had anything but science and math offerings there. I knew when I left though, because although he tried to explain away a photo of Dartmouth from back when, as just being some silly photo for fun reasons, he had a framed degree standing on its side near the entrance to the door.

I was proud of myself, and told my cab driver, a Pakistani man, so, because I'd been drunk and still made good decisions and had good judgment. He asked me where I was living, my exact address, and about information from the priest I met--trying to identify him by asking which church he pastored at, etc. I also kept my trap shut about a security thing.

Good job ME.

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