Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bitches Or Cats?

I just got something better than a shot in the butt. I got mad. I walked out to get some coffee and have my nails done, and these women driving by me, pissed me off. I'm not even going to go into details, but it made me mad enough to turn around and get more TTSOMLs done.

It is sometimes the bitches that scare me most. I have always related better to men. But unfortunately, even before I had enemies through reporting corporate assholes like the Thebaults or clergy with the Catholic church, I always had women who were jealous of men.

If they are not jealous and worried I'll take their man, they're livid and want me to pay for reporting misconduct by their man.

The type of women I get along with are usually very beautiful, and don't have inferiority complex issues, or the very laid back, who don't freak out over a sink of dishes, or the ones who are extremely smart and strong, and have had their own share of battles for being a strong woman. Some of the poor, too, because I know how it feels and they know I know.

In general though, I do not get along with women. Actually, I used to be nice to everyone and I only got to see their jealous side. They couldn't say anything bad about me, but they were still jealous and paranoid, guarding their men. When I stopped being nice to everyone, then the claws just came out. It's always the bitches who have at least some money to perhaps more than a lot, who are used to getting what they want, and manipulating it out of a man. Almost always, not very bright. It's the trophy wives and the conformists who hate me most, and while they should actually be proud of women who stand on their own, it's like it's a threat to their whole existence. They don't WANT to stand on their own two feet, and they enjoy being conformists and leading silly lives. That I would dare report their husband, or father, or friend, or brother, is unacceptable to them. They're the type of woman that stood on the side, throwing things and yelling self-righteously when other women were marching for the right to vote. The same women who abused the activists, won the same rights they were ridiculing. They ridiculed the sight of a woman doing something "different".

That I've made vindictive female enemies is no surprise to me. So when I see what I just saw, I don't know exactly why it even triggered a response at all. Do I want their lives, in exchange for mine? NO. Do I want them to "like" me? No, not exactly, though I wouldn't care one way or the other.

I think they just feel I'm a threat. If not to their church and clergy, as some of the worst have been (and said asmuch to me about what they think, so I'm not running off of assumptions here), to their men, and therefore, maybe THEM.

I think they must not like the fact that I am able to both turn a man on sexually, and think with my head instead of my heart at the same time, knowing where the lines should be drawn.

And, I think, they don't like the fact that I am not living a vapid life. There are plenty of bitches who wanted to see me fail, in every possible way, because they were jealous, and then resentful, and then, simply hated me. It is from this hatred that they derive their pleasure. These are the women who marry themselves out for hire as personal assistants, who think they are defenders of the faith, who perform blow jobs for their bosses willingly, who have spent far too much time masturbating over the failures of others.

Some of them have looks, some have money, some have artistic talent, and some may have brains. But most of them do not have the entire package, and courage enough to be a free spirit and buck the system as well. It's their loss. In this way, I feel superior. I also care more about public interests than myself, or I'd have never gone through any of the things I've been through. I guess what pisses me off, is that the wrong kind of women acquire power and money to begin with, and then laugh as if they are superior to me, simply because they have the keys to the basement door.

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