Saturday, September 27, 2008

impromtu images coming to mind

When I close my eyes, I see an arm stretching up and forward
and I see a fire from the hand, more than a flame, and it's a real arm
and then I see it firm up and it's suddenly the arm of the statue of Liberty.

The arm becomes flesh again and hurls the fire to the left, in a sweeping motion,
underneath the water is rippled by the wind. The fire is compact, like a baseball.

A fir tree where the arm was raised, the arm is gone.
back table

one with a pale suit on, short blond hair
her hand gently touched her hand and was away
as my head was still turning

a red violet flower with fine and light petals
brightly, with rain asleep as gnats are swimming
sliding off the bloom in a stream of consciousness
knows they are falling and nods
they are caught in the grass, clinging to the blade
he is 10

snow in a great plain, a pond covered in ice
trees large and full with leaves
leaves in the winter. geese fly by in v,
daffodils rise from the earth
yellow and dark green
he was fishing there, all by himself,,
last summer. with his straw
hat and long pants rolled
up to the knee.
the sun sparkles and his eyes are blue.
christopher robin

mosquito bites here look like boils

a ring coming in and then moving back
looking through the ring,
it is gold, then silver, then
it is a scope.
and she is walking by in a skirt
a-line, the wind is slowing the folds
her hair is the color
of the dirt you rub between your fingers
long straight hair and you follow her
into the deli grocery with the bars on the doors
star 69
midnight blue skirt
peeling a banana
she left her ring at home

zippers zippers and more zippers
zippers on canvas bags, in piles
on the floor, silver zippers
no one does the sewing anymore
zippers lock in the smell better
ziplocked blue lips
kisses pink lips
purple seal

silk yellow bumble bee swirling
around like a DQ ice cream cone
flashes out into a bedsheet Queen size
shining off of the white walls
cypress leaves against the door
clear glass vase
one held up to be smashed
against the desk and floor
marbles rolling across
the floor and into
the cracks of the tile
lining up
like the players
all of her players
lined up
to square off
she likes the one with the white and blue
with the black and yellow
the green and clear blue with bubbles
the cats eye
she picks them up as the rest close in on eachother

a projector light on a stone wall
grey cream white blurry
a face with a red shirt moves into the spotlight
no one asked him to
no one told him to step forward or to move a little to the left
he looks like a woman
at first i thought he was
and then i saw, i realized,
he is a man
something changed
first blood wasn't meant to be baby's blood

there is a mountain of diamonds
we are looking down on it, and see its circumference
she fell against them,
without any clothing on, she fell against the rocks
her hair fanned out
blond, beautiful, angel against the snow
she didn't know what was coming
arms out to the side,
fell like she had been pushed into a pool
free falling onto a large bed
as the snow falls to melt upon the ice
her head to the right
fell right into the middle and pushed them out
from her weight, scattering fortunes
shattering faith
shooting rainbows from their prism.

tulips poppies roses red
smoke rising from the stem
wet feet muddy
running through the field
six or seven
bright dress clinging
soaked by rain
smoke rising like an indian spirit
this is your spear, this stick
this is your crown, this wreath
your life will be one of sorrow

where is your strength? this arm
where is your heart? this storm

frog skipping wet from the fern
sashaying against my calves
i laugh and chase this toad
perchance he is my prince

bubbles float to the ground
i blew them high
i am everywhere
in the crystal balls that fly
and come down to break
so gently,
no cuts
lots of wet kisses

fuck me now and fuck me hard
scroll down for more...


more retard...

i am just waking you up
through the element of surprise.

this one right here, writing now, this isn't a poem. the above one is, and i did it mainly to wake myself up. and shock everyone and raise my family's great expectations of me to even greater heights.
i'm going to try to write a longer poem, but everything i'm writing isn't even with an effort...i'm just writing what images i can see in my mind's eye. but not really "working" on poems or anything. stream of conscious writing i guess, but i should try something longer so here goes...

sing a song of sixpence
the banks have made us cry
4score and 20 blackbirds
baked and quite quite high
when the pie was opened
the birds began to sing
wasn't we a dainty dish
to set before the king

listening to king of sorrow...

skyscraper pavement rain
looking up at coming down
we are going to play a game
you be the crazy one
i get to be the one who is sane
we'll see how long they believe us
we look like twins though,
if we don't say a word we could
switch places now and then
no one would know.
i know i'm not the pretty one
but i want to be the funny one
the interesting one
how long shall we play?
from the back, we look alike
especially if we wear hats and hide our hair
you'll have to do something
with your hair you know
it isn't sophisticated like that
if you look like something you are not
you will look crazy
if you act like something you are not
you will sound crazy
and i want to be the crazy one
stop it! stop it! give me THAT!
i will look crazier if i wear the pretty clothes
contradiction is key
they might guess if it's too usual
throw in a quirk or two that's not in the book
make it your own
wear crazy like a cocky hat

you get to be the sane one, remember?
no, they will adore you. some people can relate to
crazy better, but a LOT of people would rather have dinner
and go shopping, and speak, with sane.
you shouldn't wear crappy clothes, but shouldn't
look too fashionable either. it would be too eclectic.
no fancy bow ties. keep to the same old thing that's
worked for centuries. a dour expression and khakis
khakis go with everything, but when in NY or Paris,
may as well wear black even though it
reminds you too much of your rejected calling to the priesthood.

you get to eat the normal stuff. i get to eat fruity things
and maybe some junk food, for the sake of instability.
this is going to be so much FUN!
i am going to have WAAaaay more fun than you are.
I'd better get paid more too.
I think I'm worth it.
You know I'm worth my weight in gold.
a father mother son
sitting at a table made of wood.
quiet tones, they are looking into eachother's eyes
their son is playing with a car, driving it noisily as he
listens in all the same
losing everything
the refrigerator hums, everyone notices because
no one sings
can't fall asleep, not even to the white noise

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