Friday, September 12, 2008

Buckle Your Seatbelt

I just want to remind everyone to buckle their seatbelts, and wear them, even in the taxis.

I often jump into a cab and don't buckle up because it somehow feels different from getting into a car or driving my own car. I always buckle up then. But with cabs, everyone knows how it's different. Sometimes you're just going a couple of blocks.

However, accidents and collisions happen, and you can be injured and killed by these things. So, today, I buckled up and told myself I'll do so from now on. I also walk more. For obvious reasons.

By the way, a friend I met recently, who is a journalist...guess what happened to him? He was run into by a hit-and-run driver when he was on his motorcycle, at an intersection. He said his bike was damaged, but he was okay. He sent me an email about it just a week ago, after he first contacted me by email at my email account.

Accidents happen.

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