Friday, September 12, 2008

The Strategies Against Me

I don't think I'm going to get my cell phone back. I didn't "lose" it. I'm starting to think it was taken.

I was talking about a lot of people I've been meeting and I think someone may have wanted to take it and see who I've called or who may call be calling me.

I talked to someone today, too, who I think can help me, or has connections to help me. I don't know how and I'm not saying about it. I just feel it.

On one hand, I'm finding out now that the state of Washington has laws which put emphasis on "bonding" rather than the biological right of the parent to the child. I didn't know about this. It's this way in only a few states: Oregon, California, and Washington. Which may explain why CPS and the state have tried so hard to purposefully disrupt the bonding between me and my son. From the very beginning, they interferred with my rights to visitaion and purposefully made it difficult for me to be in touch with him. Then, they even went so far as to request I not even have TELEPHONE visits with my son. Now that I know how the law is structured in Washington, I know what they're up to.

And yet, I know I am not "safe" over there. I am far safer in D.C. and I think quite a lot of people know this. This is an international community and I have a feeling I'm going to be better protected in this kind of environment, rather than one where the state or simply my own government has the say-so on everything. I know, I feel, I have friends from other countries, and from my own country, who probably have guessed by now that I'm telling the truth, I'm lucid, and that there have been individuals within my own government who have tried to do me harm.

Finally, I think I'm going to have to file a civil rights lawsuit against the state or government over the dependency. I cannot even look for a lawyer now, because I have been suffering from stress and the effects of it, and I do have PTSD, even if it is a mild form, my main symptoms are avoidance of an issue and the inabilty to get on task with certain things that directly cause me distress and a stressful reaction. Which means I've had difficulty even findind or looking for a lawyer to appeal for me and my son, for the fact finding. I can have PTSD and still be right about the fact that my public defense counsel was subpar and inadequate and that it was not reasonable defense, and prejudiced my case. I can prove I've been discriminated against, and denied due process, and fair and equal access to the law, because of both physical and mental (PTSD) disabilities and that there has been direct harm. I can also prove that my medical records have been tampered with,

...Which is why I also know it is possible for any number of things to have happened with Princess Diana. I know how corrupt things have been for me, and if someone could reconstruct my medical record, to suit themselves, and also include false "reports" that my blood was positive for THC (marijuana) when I had never then smoked before in my life or been around it, they can do anything. I had fabricated medical records that I was mentally ill in a way I was not, that I was an alcoholic when I only had one drink every 2 weeks or so at the most, and that I was guilty of "cannabis abuse" when I wasn't and wasn't even around it. On top of other allegations.

All these things were constructed after I got involved in exposing the Mt. Angel Abbey clergy and their lawyers, and after I was assaulted by members of the FBI, after the FBI and Portland police blatantly and deliberately misled me, lied, and covered it up.

I don't think it's coincidental that things get "set up" for me to fall apart at certain times, even to this day.

I think there are people who are still worried about what I will expose.

PTSD, in my form, is not paranoia or delusions, or schitz, or borderline, or manic-depressive, or any of those things. It's basic mild and situational PTSD, which is normal for what continues to happen. It doesn't impair my judgment in any way, it only affects, for me, my ability to take things on in the manner which I am used to doing.

I have grounds for more than one lawsuit, still. But at least, now I know what the state has been trying to do with my son, and my own family goes along with it because they're fucked in the head as self-righteous hypocritical fanatics.

I still have to be careful. I know things which used to happen, are not happening now simply because I've made information public and they're probably worried someone IS watching or keeping tabs on what happens next. However, there are other ways to try, still, to deconstruct me, and my future, and to attempt to force certain things to happen. They use my disabilities and weaknesses against me, but that doesn't mean anyone will win.

You make me mad enough, and given God's grace, I will fuck you over so hard, you will regret ever trying to mess with my head to begin with. Someone will come forward and you will be caught.

I am not dead and you have not won the war. Names and details are still coming out, and some people DO know me and believe me.

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