Friday, September 12, 2008

Missing Cell Phone

My cell phone was not back at my workplace, I discovered this morning. It is missing and the last time I saw it was before I got into the cab with the Dept. of Justice guy. I think it must have fallen out in the cab.

I know I had it that day before work because I called someone and received a text as well. And I had it at my workplace last night, and while I was having a drink with people outside. I could hear it beeping, like there was a msg for me to pick up last night, so when I got out of the cab and was in the house, I was surprised to find it wasn't in my bag. So it had to have been in the cab last.

I don't know which cab it was. No one answered when I tried to call my own number.

I only keep it in my back pocket or my bag.

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