Monday, September 22, 2008

Dating Lefties

I was just thinking, it is a little strange, the left handed thing. I was just remembering, I think my first actual "boyfriend" was left handed. The one I broke up with when I was 25 years old. He was the first person I was intimate with, by choice, and I was 25 years old at the time.

After him, there was almost 3 years of celibacy. I was waiting, again, to meet the one I figured I would marry (who he was, I didn't know, but I was waiting).

Next guy was Adam Segovia, who was ambidextrous. Then, more celibacy until Mike Tancer, and I don't remember if he was right or left handed.

Then I met the FBI guy, who I kissed and made out with a little (by choice) and then was assaulted by (with his buddy). Raul was left handed.

Then the father of my son, who is left handed.

Next, I liked this guy who, I think was left handed, the atheist guy. Then, I can't remember, but I think my friend was a leftie, who I liked, before coming to D.C., and then this last guy from over here, is a leftie. Then, hung out with another leftie, then a rightie.

I've liked some righties and don't pay attention to hand preference, but when I look back and start thinking about it, I would say, given my small sampling of men I've at least made out with, over 70% have been left handed. Which is strange.

And my son, I think, is going to be a leftie. I think so, because of his thumb preference but maybe he'll just be that way with some things and not others.

I don't know about that monk who liked me. I think he was right handed, but who knows. If he was a leftie, I didn't notice.

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