Monday, September 22, 2008

TTSOML #79: Service Of Legal Papers

I had $1,000 with which to serve papers. It wasn't enough money. It would pay for filing costs, and some service but that was about it. I just decided I had to try I paid a professional process server or whatever, and then later, when I had to repeat the whole process and serve for the second complaint or another part of service, I was out of money. I prayed to God to give me an idea, and at the last minute, I decided to go to a next door neighbor's house. This guy, who I saw riding around on his bike all the time, unemployed, seemed like someone who could help. All I needed was someone who was willing to deliver papers and say, "You've been served."

So, he said he would help. He had his parents permission besides, because while he was a grown man, he was slightly either mentally ill or a recovering drug addict. I explained the entire situation, and my case, to his family, and they were sympathetic. It was very random. Their son wanted to help besides. So, I had someone to help. I had called friends first, but they worked. I actually only called a couple because I didn't want to bother them with something like this.

(to be continued, as I'm getting sleepy again. I had gatorade and a banana and now I'm just tired. I've been exhausted lately. I think, sheer exhaustion from the desperation of wanting someone to come forward about things, and fix all of this.)

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