Thursday, September 25, 2008

Good Morning Thoughts On Liquor

I need to change this red type. I have been meaning to do it but it took forever for me to figure out where the thing was. I am not really into technical, mechanical, or do-it-yourself manual projects. I am definitely do-it-yourself when it comes to research, but not this kind of stuff.

Back up, back up,
take another chance,
don't you
Mess up, mess up

Back to Colbie this morning. Started with "Umbrella" but it felt too sad or something. What a gorgeous woman though. That video is amazing. That is a body I could strive to have, sans boob job. I wonder what she does for her work out...?

I love "Glory Box" too. The music.

I think I'll have to listen to Madonna today though. Material Girl.

I guess I got some mysterious box mailed to an old address. They're asking me what I want to do with it. I'm asking where it came from and there's no return address, they said. So I asked if the postmark indicates where it was sent from (which town or state). Don't know yet.

Oh! this is a great video. I like it! Not what I expected, from hearing the song over the years. Like the daisies (smile).

I've always liked "Lucky Star". Okay, need to get to work and do some TTSOMLs.

I had to work late yesterday and didn't have my phone for calling my son so I have to get another one today.

My knee is a mess, too. I think I seriously did something to it. I still have a bruise, so it does show I hit my knee, but it's really got some internal mess going on. Even just walking, I feel it. I am so bummed about that. I was going to start trying to run again.

Oh, and what do you think about this? I had someone not want to give me a drink because they said I metabolized alcohol differently/inconsistently. WTF?

As far as I know, I'm of the same genus and species as everyone else and I really don't think my body does some crazy different form of metabolizing. Hopefully this isn't going to be the grand excuse for date rape in the future: "I didn't know! and I'm sure there was no GHB or whatever in that drink...she just metabolizes drinks weird." ?

I've sort of already been through this. Some men, finding out you've made a rape claim or assault claim in the past, instead of giving you credit for being able to speak up about the truth, avoid you like the plague, as if you just make pointless claims about everyone. What would my motive be, I ask? I am not a man hater. I love men. Most of them. And many of them have been good to me, within bounds, and everything else. I figure, if a man is going to avoid you after he discovers your claims about others, he's fishy to begin with. There is something wrong with him or he wouldn't be worried about it to begin with.

So good riddance predators.

I will report you, without a moment's hesitation.

You are thereby forewarned. And for your own sake, and the sake of others, just don't think about doing it. If she seems drunk, don't you dare think that's your lucky opening. That person is off-limits and if you pursue, you are not only less of a man, you are a criminal. Get your women on your own merit. And, you women, you too do not have a "Greenlight, Go" with a drunk man when you are sober. I don't recommend making a plan to match your drinking to theirs just so you can "get some" either. "Look who's drunker? drunkest?" It's lacking when it's premeditated.

As for those of us who know total alcoholics. Hmmm. Tricky. What does Christopher Hitchens' wife do, in that situation? Not tonight dear, or any night at all? Not until you sober up? I figure, sometimes, there is a spoken or known "pass" in these sorts of situations. Best to find out ahead of time I guess. Would I give a free-for-all pass to someone I cared for, to be with me, whether I was drunk or not? Sure, if the relationship was established or this pact was already made or something. If there's an agreement in place, made in sobriety, yes.

There are some people who should be protected against themselves. I guess it might take a village. Well, when I think of one person in particular, it may just take a concerted worldwide effort.

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