Thursday, September 25, 2008

Love Stories

I met the nicest man from Sudan, taxi driver, who was ripped off so I tipped him more to make up for it. This guy had a passenger who told him his daughter had been raped and then the driver felt bad for him and said he'd wait while the guy got his money. So he waited for 20 minutes and the guy stiffed him.

Other stories...Well, I wish my friend had been in the cab to hear this OTHER one because it was so beautiful. I got to hear a bona fide love story from another taxi driver today, who was Jamaican or something. He told me, as soon as I was in the cab, that he was trying not to cry because of a story he saw on Oprah last night. It was about this woman who had some germ-eating disease, he said, and it ate her flesh and she had to have her arms and legs amputated, and this was right after she gave birth to her first baby, after she went through an awful divorce. So in the middle of all of this, she met her soulmate. I think she met him before the disease, and they had a baby and then right after that, she got the disease and was in the hospital and they married while she was still in the hospital.

The driver said he could relate, because he was in love with his wife, whom he's been with for 10 years, and he could understand that kind of love. So he started telling me about his wife, and how she didn't go for him right away, but he didn't "curse" her and he was glad he didn't get mad at her and write her off, because later, they tried it and have been together ever since. Said he did his thing and she did her thing and that later they were together and it just clicked.

Then he told me how his friends, even his good friends, or best friends, will tell him to go for other women and will try to tempt him and put women in his path and he has to literally run. He said once they even had a geisha come into his room without clothes on. He said he always runs. Then, he was telling me, he gives counsel and advice to this guy he knows who is in love with someone but can't "keep his ---- in his pants" so he doesn't have a mentor or something, and this guy helps him out. With practical advice. He told me sometimes it's a community effort. We agreed it's more impressive when someone has a challenge and at least tries, and makes an effort--this is more than someone accomplishing something when they don't even have a struggle to begin with.

He told me how, when you're in love, you don't have to orgasm to enjoy sex. He just came RIGHT out, and said it like that. And then he referred to sex as "nooky-nooky" but it was done in such an innocent, casual way, it wasn't weird at all. He said, men don't tell women how sometimes they don't, or only need 10 minutes, and then other times it's different.

He talked to me about how he was just giving a ride to two women who were parked far, far, away, and wanted him to drive them to some place where NBA players were going to be, so they could "get some" at a certain "bar" (like, within their standards) and he told me how some men he knew felt objectified, just like women--like a piece of ass, or a trophy to be won.

He said he doesn't wake up in the morning and worry about how to keep his wife. He just trusts her, and knows she's going to be there. Said this other guy who wants to sleep with everyone has been trying to stay home by himself at night, because he loves this woman so much, and that their love for eachother is what rubs off on eachother...they help eachother to become who they are meant to be.

So, I cannot paraphrase how inspiring the whole trip was, but I sure as hell should have tipped the guy more. I guess I have to see the Oprah story now too.

And then yesterday, some woman tells me how she's getting married and it's her first time at 44 years old and she's glad she only has to spend a few, rather than several decades with the same person. Lol.

I have all these people coming out of the woodwork with love stories. The one with the cab driver had a lot of lessons and wisdom and inspiration in it. Things to think about I guess.

Another things he said, it's difficult today to find and keep true love. He said everything is so disposable and that people give up too easily. He said it's crazy, when a woman gains 5 lbs and the man isn't interested anymore and wants to get rid of her. He talked about constancy.

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