Thursday, September 25, 2008

Warrior Mothers

Hmmm. I want to watch that Oprah show. It was yesterday, and called "Warrior Mothers". I looked into it for the love story this driver was telling me about but there's also stuff about autism and other things.

I tried to download the right player but it wouldn't install. It kept saying to close my browser when I'd closed everything already.

If it wasn't for knowing what kind of terrible pangs my son and I went through, at the same time we had massive electronics/computer problems, I would think maybe my son was austistic. But he's really not. He's too social.

It is true, though, that he became very sick after his 2 month vaccinations and I got a medical/personal exemption for him. The doctor gave him a double dose of the same vaccination. He was supposed to give 3 or 4 and he gave, out of all those, two of the same kind. I signed the forms for them, and requested copies repeatedly, and to this day, Dr. Butler and his offices have refused to give me copies of these originals.

Right after the shots, my son became so ill. He had liquid diarrhea immediately and couldn't keep food down. My friend witnessed this, and it continued for 2 months. Dr. Butler refused to admit anything was wrong. After my son showed a decline in his very high height and weight percentiles, the Dr. said he would look into doing tests to find out what was wrong.

It was right about this time I kept asking for the records of my son's vaccinations and found out he'd been given two of the same kind. Additionally, his offices kept vaccinations which were old and had thimerserol.

It was about this time that I was questioning what was going on, that Dr. Butler kicked not only me, but my son, out of his entire clinic.

He also refused to treat me and my son for what every lactation consultant in town said was "systemic thrush". It wouldn't go away with topical treatments and they all agreed, women who worked at the hospital even, that my son and I had a systemic infection. Next, after this went untreated, my son and I showed the spots and signs of another version of yeast. I had it, and my son had it, but the doctors in Wenatchee claimed my son didn't have it, when he did.

My son also had two bilateral little cysts in his brain, which showed up on ultrasound. Usually, they go away on their own, but sometimes they do not. In the last hearing, Michelle Erickson mocked me for having any concerns about this, claiming I took my son to the clinic or hospital without logic or reason. This woman is the same one who admitted she didn't know how to read medical records, and didn't understand the vocabulary that I knew, because I did my research.

I would like to find someone smart, who will spank the idiots who stand inbetween me and my son. Still. Against all reason and explanation. All they have, is power and the ability to use and abuse their authority. Authority they never should have been granted for the kind of problems they create.

In the meantime, I'll have to look up this show. When I have the opportunity to see it, I will.

Go warrior mothers. I know this type--we will do anything for our children. We will fight even when no one is listening.

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