Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't Doubt Diana

This may sound stupid, sort of, but does anyone understand, after reading my TTSOMLs, if you believe me, how it's so easy for me to believe something wrong happened with Princess Diana? Why it's so easy for me to disbelieve the "experts" and to question?

If people would go to the lengths they went to, over ME, and I'm NOBODY, what would a group be willing to do to a major figure of a country?

I just believe her. Diana was not paranoid or delusional. She may have had problems, which she spoke of, but she spoke of her issues with the same clarity of mind that I have. I know where to distinguish. I know I have some PTSD but it's all I can agree to. She knew she had some struggles as well, but she also knew that admitting to the slightest weakness, gave enemies ground to create all kinds of inaccurate theories.

As for the tiggy-abortion "exultation" I've read of, if there was no abortion, it's clear someone purposefully gave Diana false information to feed and create constructions. And anyone of us has been guilty of having feelings which are not exactly "fruits of the spirit" but no one sees those moments. Given all the enormous strain and pressures she had, Diana was far more sane than most of us, and stronger than most of us would have been in the same circumstances.

I even know what Diana is speaking of when she said she had hurt her arms and legs. I did this myself, in a 3 month period, once in my life, when I had zero support from my family, and I was being falsely accused of things after being deliberately harassed for years. I didn't cut myself, but I remember I pulled out hairs with tweezers sort of obsessive-compulsively. Of course, I was on narcotics for pain at the same time, so I don't know what contributed to what, but that was right around the same time I had one and one only suicide attempt.

The sick thing, is that I told Christa what had led to this attempt, the culmination of what things, and later, the Abbey lawyers and Wenatchee doctors attempted to imitate and recreate the exact same conditions, and I knew it was with the knowledge, they thought, they could get me to do this again. But I didn't fall for it, and I was 10x stronger by then.

I was strengthened in many ways, not weakened.

I'll get to all of these details, through the TTSOMLs.

But to the doubters, don't doubt Di.

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