Thursday, September 25, 2008

Abnormal Periods & Why I Write About It

I thought maybe I ws having normal peiods again but I guess I'm not. It ended yesterday. So I had three days instead of one or two. It was still light, but I thought maybe something was coming back.

I hope someone believes me.

I pretty much decided to write everything, because I believe God gave me a story. For better and for worse. I prayed to God when I was maybe 20 years old, "If you want me to be a writer, give me something to write about." I'm not a great writer, and I know this, but I can "write" technically, and I have been given things to write about that will help someone else, who feels alone, in the future.

I know what it's like to feel alone. And to BE alone.

I feel I'm to write even the most personal things. I could keep my mouth shut, and keep it to myself, for my own sake, but what good would it to do to or for anyone else? This is why I decided to talk about things openly.

There is far more to write about. I won't do this forever. But there is still more to write and get out into the open.

I don't really feel like my life is my own anymore. This doesn't make me feel better or worse. It's just how it is.

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