Thursday, September 25, 2008

When My Son Quit Speaking

I don't know why I'm adding this now, but to follow up my post today about my son's vaccinations and how Dr. Butler refused to give me the original records I signed for his vaccinations...

Well, later, it was when my son and I went into the hospital, after my son and I both began vomiting violently, and had extremely severe cramps (it wasn't like normal flu, and my son and I ate the same thing after having a "guest" over). I took my son to the hospital.

They told me this female doctor who saw me was examining my son in the next room. I didn't want my son to be apart from me but they took him away when I was vomiting.

I later found out the doctor who examined my son, was not the woman doctor, as I was told. Dr. Malcolm Butler saw and examined my son.

My son quit almost all his speech from that day, and within a week was unable to say any of the same things he could say before.

This was the timing, because I called Christa and told her when it happened, and said I didn't know what was wrong, but that my son had quit talking since we'd been to the hospital. She sounded very strange over the phone and actually, a little panicked. She wanted to get off the phone right away and avoided talking about it later.

When I later found out I was lied to, and that my son had been seen by Dr. Butler, whom I had directly FIRED and accused of not treating me and my son for various things, who also pressured me to take narcotics while I was pregnant, I questioned why I was lied to.

I wondered if my son and I had eaten something that was bad which caused us to throw up, and then I wondered what had happened to my son in the other hospital room, out of my sight.

After I told Christa about my son's cessation of speech, which I can trace to a direct date, the date of that hospital visit, my son and I began to have the twitching episodes and this is when we were asked where we slept and against which window.

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