Thursday, September 25, 2008

Profiling, If I'm So Crazy

I've just had this guy, and then another, come into the cafe I'm at, to smirk and wave (first) and then scowl.

I know that writing all these ideas out, out of order, and without the timeline or facts together, makes everything sound all over the place, but I'm not going to refuse to write out each detail.

I will only have to go through and finish the TTSOMLs to get the facts all in order. And it's not as though I don't have any evidence to back up my claims. I have enough evidence.

I said I had YouTube clips and I did. I also have taped telephone conversations, and some other items which show I'm not making things up. I have medical records, and I have rolls of film, and in addition to this, I have the information about the Catholic church, which was even paid for by attorney Greg Smith, when I was still in Portland, Oregon.

While writing out suggestions or thoughts may muddle things, once details are in order, it points back to what happened when, and first.

All I will have to do after writing out the TTSOMLs, is to scan in some actual documents that prove my order and what I've said. I have copies of email as well.

It is funny, because today I've had some people pass by who clearly seem to know who I am and make supportive comments or give a thumbs up sort of gesture, and smile pleasantly, and then there have been a few who deliberately stare me down, glaring, and others who just pop in to look directly at me, laugh in my face, and leave.

If I'm so crazy, let's see exactly how "sane" I can be when I've completed this and gone to be with my son, with the seeming willing resignation that I am exactly whatever Wenatchee wants to say I am, and how I've suddenly metamorphed into a model of decorum and dignity.

A truly "loose cannon" cannot "control" themselves, over a period of time, if there is truly a mental problem. A truly loose cannon would always be that way, or lapse, or need medication.

The thing is, I sound like a loose cannon because I've called out so many on the carpet. I've reported several individuals and talked openly about things most people would not speak of. But it's either true or it's not. It's certaintly not a figment of my imagination, because witnesses saw the people I've been with, and there is evidence I was where I've said I've been. I also recall events and facts accurately, even a decade later. So when, exactly, does my "imagination" become "spotty"?

I've also never claimed to know exactly what has happened, or to point a finger in only one direction. I've been careful, because I have never made any assumptions, only suggestions and I've questioned things.

But if everyone just wants a show, I'll give you a show.

Then you can tell me how all of this, what I write now, is not the result of a controlled mind.

I am writing about things people don't want to have in public, and don't want to know, or believe. But it is true, and it is controlled. I choose to write about it, and I choose to make some of the facts known.

If I can then suddenly "convert" to whatever it is, and I know what it is that society wants of me, to deny all, and to accept all blame upon myself, I will do so.

But you have already been warned and know ahead of time that it is an act. And yet, how will you ever prove it is just an act?

Will someone then attempt to question my "sanity"? My "remarkable recovery"? Hmmm. For how long, I wonder?

I'm not ready to put on the act though, not until I get to the part about the litigation and what the Abbey lawyers did, and then how the FBI and Portland police got involved. Then you will have more insight. Then, how I was hounded by police all the way from Oregon to Washington, and profiled and followed and pulled over for things I didn't do, and I think by the time I get to these things, some people will have a better idea about what the objective was.

I just had another woman come in here and photograph me with her cell. Thinking I didn't notice.

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