Friday, September 19, 2008

8 impromtu freewrite poems & Gansta Rap Made Me Do It

sky scrapers placed over the light
fish swimming in tunnels underground
all the way from manhattan to baltimore
robins sing for church
waving gold and green and white and black
smoldering through the net
falling through the safety
misfire and mistake
what was thought was never true
gravel spits harder than any man in your face
leaves drip with blood
behind the wall, behind the tree
what was done was returned
sing robins for church is coming
kingdom coming
faster when you're shot down
but the glory is before the fall
the sweet taste of paradise before the crack of dawn
before the groundskeeper sweeps away the ashes
dust to dust

I had no direction in mind when I wrote this, I just wrote. That's why it's called freewrite. I'm not saying it's good. It's just a freewrite exercise. Ice Cube, first just "Ice", came to mind so then I went to youtube and played Ice Cube's "Gansta Rap Made Me Do It".

Peter Gabriel's "Digging in the Dirt".

I'm trying something fun, going to a song that first comes up with the image or word in my mind. Fun way to hear new stuff.

Reel Big Fish, "Sell Out". Haha. Like the video where the guy in the suit is high-fiving the other guy.

Finally, something I like. Suzanne Vega, "Tom's Diner".

blast of frost on sill, drew a circle on the pane,
pointing towards the trees, through them
at the one to get
above the sky was blue as the paint on your fingers
finishing clouds, finishing school

he has four hands and three guns.
straps down his back and a smile on his face
coffee in his hand, cigarrette inbetween his toes
so flexible flexible
kicking in a door, jumping through a roof
landing in a loft with nothing to show
except panache panache
panache my gosh, forgot the saucy simper at the club
forgot not to iron
hate this habit, ironing. putting his hands under the faucet
to get them wet, he crumples the shirt into a ball
shakes it out, throws it on when dry,
still stiff
but so flexible flexible
this one that one, got her you're gone
jumping onto the tilt a whirl, arms back
the only time you went around
without anyone watching
only time you cried
but it was only because the wind was stinging your eyes.

Somday you'll know how to hear with your flesh
beating heart, feel it and not ignore it,
hear the screams and not laugh,
know the work and find the hobby
just a hobby once again
you will be whole
respect (title)

second best is good enough
for me it's first place
it's one who worked harder,
and didn't take first,
but worked everything he had


I need some Suave, toothpaste, and razors
I want Bedhead, a better dentist, and a man who will give me

You are going to want me
and wish you never had, and you are going to have me
in secret and i will prove to you what kind of secrets
i can keep
when canaries are singing everyone awake
everybody hears it, but I know how to make them forget

I'll have a denizen dozen instead of the maple bars.

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