Friday, September 19, 2008

Migraine Report

I started getting a little bit of a migraine tonight. Just a faint touch of it, and I can sort of tell when it's not just tension headache but will go to something else. I smoked about 5 inhales, or even 6 light ones. If this is all I get of it, I'll be doing pretty good.

Like I said, from the time I bought this tiny little bag, which the dealer called "a dub", I've only had to use a small amount. About half of it. He keeps asking me, eyes wide, when I'll need more. He can't believe I'm going through it so slowly, and this is after I pretty much gave two joints away when I shared with someone. So I've really had very little. I smoked my 1/4 joint down to about an 1/8. I don't think I could keep holding it unless I had tweezers or something.

I don't have to go to ER for shots and I don't need painkillers. I don't have to buy anything expensive. I don't need a doctor. Really, I think it would be better to legalize small amounts of use without the need for a medical prescription at all. Because then patients could speak openly about how to try it and discuss pros and cons. A doctor could still get paid for an office visit, if it's necessary, and he's free to tell patients they can just grow their own plant in their yard, or buy it at the supermarket. I think pot should be available in the supermarket, like daisies, and aloe vera, and cactus.

Everybody should have an aloe vera plant and a marijuana plant. And a pint of scotch early in the morning. Okay, just kidding about the last part.

It is very hard for prevention of headache and has no side effects. It should be cheap at aspirin.

However, the main thing I agree with, is that people shouldn't drive on the road, operate machinery, or use it at work (if work involves machinery of any kind). I do notice the delayed reaction effect when I take it, and once I smoked right before waitressing, and I couldn't remember any of my orders (I don't write orders down, I memorize them).

So, I would NOT recommend using it for things like that. If you find the right downtime to do it, it's best.

And soldiers, like I said before, should really have marijuana, and those who have migraines should be put on a regimen and MADE to take it (in small doses) to control and prevent attacks. It's almost masochistic not to take it if you migraines.

I feel, I would be subjecting myself to cruel and unusual punishment to not take this, knowing what the painful consequences will be. And if I don't take it, I will end up in ER, asking for pain relief again. There is absolutely zero justification for anyone to tell me not to use marijuana. It's not a thrill for me, it is a medicine, and I have proven it. My work record proves it. My roommates and people who've lived with me also know.

I smoked outside of a busy cafe. I started talking to some man with the joint in my mouth. I exhaled with people walking by, without hiding it. Like I said, I'm not going to blow it into the face of an officer, but I'm being very, very, open about it. If I ever got a ticket or jailed for such a thing, when it has proven to help me, I think there would be grounds for a major lawsuit. I'd like to be involved, but I'll have to step out of that battles--with too many things on my plate already.

I'm still having trouble writing the TTSOMLs so I'll probably do some creative writing freewrites or attempts.

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