Friday, September 19, 2008

Plea On Behalf Of My Son, And Thanks

I had to look up foreign attache after writing my last somewhat irreverant post. I'm serious about marijuana, but probably not good to denigrate myself as a loose cannon, even jokingly, if someone has seriously asked me to consider the position of foreign attache.

So I looked it up. I didn't know what it was. Hmmm. It is diplomacy and yes, it does involve a little bit more than just meeting and greeting people. Although, that part of it would be the most "fun" :). This guy was saying it's better for men to have wives so I don't know if he was looking for an eventual wife or what. He said it's better when the couples can get together and the women can talk and men as well.

I can understand this. I wonder how many women are diplomats all by themselves? Probably not very many. I don't know.

I have a lot of stuff going on. Maybe people are thinking that if they can get me medicated I'll be a real winner. I don't know. Maybe they think I'm okay as it is, just a fixer-upper. I do know that I sincerely care about people, from all over the world, and that I want civil rights for all. Maybe I would be interested in conflict resolution, even I don't seem to have been very successful at it in my own personal life.

Something has been shifting, though. I may be totally wrong, but I feel like someone is about to, or already has, come forward about what happened to me and my son. I just have this feeling, but I could be wrong. I can't put my finger on it.

I really, really, hope so. I hope no one assumes someone else has done this for me and my son, and that they will take iniative themselves.

I'm not perfect, obviously. I'm very mean sometimes, or have been scathing, and I say nasty things, but I'm not cruel. I do not have a cruel heart. I'm not perfect at all, and I'm no saint, but I'm not as bad as I've been made out to be either. I have a heart, and conscience, and I try to do the right thing, even to those I worry may be about to harm me. I may be outspoken at this point in my life, and not always wise, but I really am honest in that you can trust me. Even my enemies have been able to trust me, in that most know I do not lie to protect myself, for stupid things, but that I will lie to help someone else or to ascertain the truth.

I just ask that someone please considers what has been done to my son. He was and is, innocent. He did nothing wrong, and he was tortured. It isn't right. He needs me, desperately, and I pray someone has already made a decision, to do whatever it is they feel will right this.

I honestly do not care that someone goes to jail. If someone comes forward about this, I would, I swear to God, plead for pardon and witness protection simply because someone was willing to do this for my son. I do not have a problem with that. I am really hoping, lately, that someone will or has already stepped forward, and I feel something is shifting.

Thank you, whoever you are. I forgive you.

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