Friday, September 19, 2008

U.S. Should Use Marijuana For Strategic Purposes

A day ago, I met someone who worked for the Pentagon and who was telling me how I needed to focus and become grounded, and work towards something. He showed me military attache photos and said what kind of work would I want to DO as a diplomat?

A diplomat, he said, is not simply "friendly" with people. They engage in negotiations, and discuss policies, and work towards conflict resolution and a number of things, including economic support and services. Hmmm. He asked me if I'd ever been to the Pentagon. I have! My grandmother has a good friend that works there. I've walked through the halls, though it was almost a decade ago.

Why in the world would the Pentagon want ME though? I mean, mabye an embassy, or something, but war people?

Well, if they want me, the first thing I want to say, which may not be putting my "very best" foot forward, because it will make me sound like a 70s peace-drug addie, is...Get pot legalized and give it to the men and women who suffer from migraines.

Do you KNOW how my very regular and predictable disability has been used against me by my enemies? Well, I never failed to notice all the court dates for the litigation I brought against the Catholic church, just so happened to fall, every single frickin' one, on a day when it was predictable I'd have a migraine. I had to suffer through, or with narcotics, or not at all. I've missed court dates because of migraine. I've missed work. I've missed a lot of fun besides.

Imagine what this does to soldiers who suffer from migraine. I am telling you, you want to PREVENT them from occuring at the outset. You don't want your soldier ill in the barraks, and taking triptans at the last minute. You want to be sure they just don't get that migraine to begin with, because there is no way they can be any good at anything while they're suffering and ill.

Please allow and experiment with marijuana for preventation of migraine. It is only an advantage. I don't advocate addiction, I use little myself, but I do know it works. I used to wonder if Botox injections would work. But what I've found is cheaper, and at least for my kind of migraine, which could be more common with women, it works. It's cost effective.

I am no longer trapped.

I no longer have to worry that if I want to "disappear" or move or be unnoticed, I will end up in an ER somewhere. I am no longer concerned about what date a court hearing falls upon. My enemies cannot use, at least this ONE disability that I have, to their advantage. I'm free.

And so, the United States government needs to make this liberty available to all, and if they need incentive, try it out on your soldiers first and see if I am right. I promise, I am right.

It worked for Queen Victoria, and over 100 years later, it's working for me. What is our PROBLEM?!!!!!!

Right, or wrong? (as we say in D.C.)

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