Friday, September 5, 2008

TTSOML #70: Multiple Break-Ins

During this time, I continued to have vandalisms on my car. I also had some break-ins. Once, in Tualatin, where I found out later one of the Abbey attorneys, John Kaempf, lived next to me (not next-door, but nearby)--his address I discovered on an address site which showed dates. I first had a break-in at a Tualatin residence where I stayed with a roommate and most of my good clothing, Nordstrom label and Saks, was stolen. Two of my coats were taken as well--a long wool trench style coat with a colorful plaid pattern (predominantly orange) and a caramel colored crop leather jacket. My favorite sweaters were stolen, shirts, and a dress or two.

At the next residence, where I lived alone, is where the guy would just park outside my apartment late at night, night after night. I had someone break into this apartment, which was a small studio, and had a CD stolen--It was the only thing taken--a copy of the CD where I had done some back-up for the artist. No one would have known I was on this CD except my friends. Why someone would only take this CD and nothing else I don't know. But it was on my desk, and I'd played it the night before, and it was gone. I also HAD someone LEAVE my house when I came in one day--well, this was the same incident actually. I didn't go to the backroom and just came in and laid down on the couch. I didn't go to my bathroom or bedroom (just a bed) area. I was almost asleep when I heard someone moving and realized someone was IN my house. I didn't move, and pretended to be asleep and waited as I heard a swish-swish of pants go by and out the door. The swishing made me think they were wearing some kind of nylon athletic pants. The room was very small and I could feel a breeze when they went by. I had been lying down for at least 15-20 minutes first. I didn't open my eyes because I was "playing dead" and was afraid something would happen if the person knew I'd seen them. I didn't even call police because it sounded too weird to say someone had been in my house and I didn't look at them. It was right at this time that the Abbey had their church-going police try to cite me for things I had not done, so I didn't know who to trust anyway. I questioned myself a little--had I been close to asleep? but I knew I was right, just as I was right about someone having shot me in the butt several months ago. It happened, and I knew it happened, but it seemed so incredible, I doubted myself. There was a mark on my butt, seen by my roommate, when I was shot on the butt, and when someone was in my house, there were indicators to prove it as my CD was missing and things were somewhat rearranged. This happened right before I was moving out. It was at this time I also had a few problems with my phone line. This was also the residence where the car vandalisms occured, but it wasn't just when my car was parked there. My car was also vandalized when I went out on a date I told people I was going to ahead of time, and when I was parked in the college parking lot, and at a place where I was applying for a job, telling others I was going there first.

After this, I got a place in Tigard, which was really closer to Portland, Oregon. I found out later that I didn't live far from the FBI "special agent" I met and dated briefly. He lived nearby but I didn't meet him until a year or more later, at a federal courthouse, where people knew I would be, ahead-of-time, well, at least Christa knew. I had a roommate most of the time, at this residence and she witnessed 2 different break-ins. One was at our apartment when we both lived there, and the other was just her house, when she moved directly next door.

Someone broke into her house and went through all of her journals and writings and just opened things and left them open so she would know. But they didn't take anything. She called the police and they took a report. They smashed a window in or something, or kicked out a door from the back to get in. She was within sight of my place because there were four little cabins or small duplexes on the same wooded lot.

Other than that one break in which was visible, I had 2 other break-ins at this Tigard address, I think. One happened, I think, when I noticed my medical records were missing so either someone had legal access to my house and took them, or they just illegally broke in and took them. The other time, I had a DIFFERENT female roommate who couldn't open our door. She said it was like the lock had been "jimmied". I tried it and couldn't open it either. It had been perfectly fine the day before, but when we tried it the next day it was rough like it had been scraped up or mangled a little bit. I think we had to call a locksmith to get into our house for that occasion.

I had told her and others about letters I had from the monks, especially the handwritten ones and I had them hidden. I always wondered if someone was breaking in to try to find them, or if my house was being "bugged" or something, because of potentially damaging information, or to just know who I was and if someone was "working" with me. Of course, no one was "working" with me. I kept my friends out of it as well, because I was worried about them and didn't want them to be in trouble or danger. I took it all upon myself. Unfortunately, this put me in a position of not having "witnesses" to some of the things that happened next.

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