Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TTSOML #82: Tancer and Heinz

I thought I'd add a bit about Tancer and Heinz.

As it turns out, the Tancer family has strong ties to Wenatchee, Washington. Mike Tancer's mother comes from the "Sterling" family and they had one of the larger orchards in the area and some influence and connections. They left Wenatchee (maybe not entirely) for California to plant vineyards or take one over instead.

As for Heinz, I looked up the Heinz photos of Theresa Heinz's sons. I only could find photos for two of them and they didn't look really familiar. The thing is, the Heinz heir that I met had red or reddish hair. He was a big guy, at least stout. Anyone could check the connection though, because it wasn't made up by Tancer. The guy was, in some way, directly connected to the Heinz family. At the time, he lived in the Portland, Oregon area because Tancer told me this guy had all this money but liked to hang out in total "dives". Meaning, he spent a lot of time with people at bars, taverns, and dirty clubs.

As for Tancer, I can't say that I know whether he was in on things with the FBI guys, or whether he was bugged by them and monitored. My feeling was that he could have something to do with them, if I met them after him, and if they knew and could repeat parts of conversation I had with Tancer. I actually even wondered if some intimate act had been recorded by camera by Tancer and replayed because I didn't see how the FBI guys could have knowledge of my conversations with Tancer. So I tried to steer clear of Tancer until I knew more. I still don't know.

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