Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TTSOML #83: Alaska

I don't know why I'm mentioning it here, but I have wondered what the "Alaska" connection, if there is one with what happened to me and my son. I kept seeing, Alaska license plates when I felt I was being followed. There were plenty of WA and OR plates, and CA too, but I didn't know what Alaska was about.

When I was going to Chelan Wal-mart right before I took off for Canada with my son, I noticed we were followed in the store, and it was either in Canada Wal-Mart or Chelan that everyone had a shirt on with something to do with Alaska.

This, by itself, sounds totally nuts, like seeing "blue cars everywhere" but it happened again in Blaine, or Birch Bay, Washington. When I moved in with this guy, who was the first one I was intimate with after my son was taken from me (I met this man 4 months later), I came out of the condo on a regular basis, to see this woman, who was very pretty, dark haired, sitting in a truck and just watching our place. She had plates from Alaska and she drove away from me, more than once, smirking and driving very slowly, as if trying to make a point.

I thought it was weird and wondered why anyone from Alaska would have an interest in me.

My feeling of things, is still that it's some fringe Catholic group. Too many things started with them, and I would think it has something to do with them.

I think some of the car vandalism in Wenatchee was perhaps from a group of hispanic guys with the church, but in general, the people following, from what I can tell, have been white and often, drive very good cars. Also, once, after or right before I met the FBI guys, it was after I'd had my knee surgery and I was sitting outside in a lawn chair and this black sedan rolled up and a couple of men in suits stopped, one pointed at me, and they just watched me and sat there for awhile with their darkened glass half-way down. I couldn't see the driver, but the guy on the passenger side, closest to me, looked Italian or something, and had his hair slicked back into a ponytail.

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