Friday, October 17, 2008

images and poems (not really rhyming)

a black dove soars
like a needle breaking through cloth
punctures the sky
soars down again to retrieve threads falling
to carry its babies to a higher nest
trees must be above the clouds
above the trees here on earth
on my knees i offer up a little one left behind
dropped onto the cold dirt
it is mine to keep
watching the black dove soar away
stitching up the seam with the threads
away from me forever
sewn up
until a sharp beak hears another woman's laughter
until it must take music from another
instructed by a shapeshifting judge with feet displaced
see what that is all about
it doesn't sound right on the pathetic earth
purity, joy, this voice is troublesome
take the babies before they are raised strong
lift them to higher lofts where they will be distracted
by illusions, feed them air from our trees
the ones left behind, accidentally dropped
we haven't room for all
they'll probably wither with the first attempt
to feed cornmeal or mashed worms
just leave it alone now
we're not giving it back in the same form
you watch
no one can fall from that high of a bough
without injury
above the clouds,
black doves swarm around the nests of birds
hungry, crying, singing for their mothers
for their fathers
someone high enough to reach this
someone please help me
please help us
we are not free
shadows disguised as clouds
devils as angels of light
mercenaries as saviors
will not let us go
the living are the dead
and the dead are the only ones free
ruin my reputation too
i beg of you
give me a reason to hold myself apart
--for the cowardly to flee from me

There are bottles on a merry-go-round
brightly colored soda bottles
will they tip and fall or if you spin it fast enough
will they stay upright?
flip your soda lid like a quarter
heads is flat
tails is serraded
the head is smooth
but tails will cut
which do you prefer?
how much money, cash redemption
is it still a nickel or do we now get a quarter
for all of our trouble
we may be richer if we never stop spinning
the wheel
what if everything breaks when we slow down?
how shall we collect our money then?
if you spin fast enough
it's just a blur, and they cannot see eachother
or save eachother and no one else will notice
anything except for a colorful flash swirling
however, i'm not a physicist
i don't really know quite yet, what effect
the spin will have
perhaps they'll fall off at the very start
i must try it out
will they roll to the center or the edge?
together, or apart?
we'll have to experiment
pretty design here, very catchy, and what a waste
do not forget, however,
our competition and what our losses might be
if we standby as someone else
takes notice
keep the bottles dizzy meanwhile
punish them for offering fizzy alternatives

this is not a poem. right here. i'm actually sort of tired now and may take another nap and try to write again, or i may sleep
until i wake tomorrow to begin a writing bonanza. just fatigued. i wrote these two images while listening to coldplay's "fix you".

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